Many do it wrong: this fatal cleaning error can even be fatal

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In advance in the video: In the household, not everything should be cleaned with vinegar

Would you have known that? Certain cleaners should never be used together - otherwise poisonous chlorine gas will arise.

When I moved out of home with twenty, I was prepared for a lot: cooking? Check. Pay your own bill? Check. To make the laundry? Check.

But to scrub in the bathroom and toilet, I have had little experience to date (even if I often helped in the household in my parents' house). When the shared bathroom therefore needed a deep cleaning, I was in the next drugstore and have stocked myself with different cleaning agents.

What I didn't know at the time:You should never use certain cleaners in the same room or at the same time. Fortunately, nothing happened to me, but that would have been wrong and, in the worst case, could even end with a hospital visit.

Chlorine gas risk: This combination is life-threatening

There are cleaning agents that you shouldn't mix:Chlorine cleaner + acidic cleaner (vinegar, citric acid, toilet cleaner, descaler).

Why? Because there is a highly toxicChlorinearises. Even small quantities can irritate the eyes, nose and throat, lead to cough and make breathing difficult. With high concentration, there can even be serious lung damage - in the worst case life -threatening.

The dangerous thing about it: it is enough if the funds are used briefly in succession. For example, if you only scrub with a toilet cleaner and go over it with a chlorine-containing disinfectant, the vapors can connect in the air and release chlorine gas. Therefore: always ventilate well and never combine different cleaners.

These mixtures are also risky

In addition to the dangerous chloric acid combination, there are other cleaners that you should never mix:

Bleach + ammonia (e.g. window cleaner, oven cleaner):Forms chloramines that can lead to shortness of breath and cough.

Chlorine cleaner + alcohol -containing cleaners (e.g. glass cleaner, disinfectant):Can generate poisonous hydrochloric acid and chloroform that makes it dazed, can lead to unconsciousness and, in the worst case, even to death.

The best recipe for a safe household: do not use too many means, always ventilate well and never mix randomly cleaners. If you accidentally used the wrong combination and suddenly feel shortness of breath or irritation: immediately out of the room, windows and when the symptoms are strong, call the emergency doctor directly!

Further household tips, tricks and topics can be found here:

Important NOTE:This article only serves the information and does not replace a medical diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or acute complaints arise, you should contact your doctor or ask for advice in the pharmacy. Medical on -call duty can be reached via nationwide number 116117.