Do you have mold in your apartment or in your house? Or are you unsure whether the small dark spots on walls, tiles or the window frame are really mold? Then you should first of all be one: keep calm.
Mold usually results from an excessive humidity in rooms. Among other things, this can be on the wrong ventilation, too cold rooms or on structural defects. Pipe breaks or leaks can also be responsible. Especially in autumn and winter, when it gets really cold outside again, mold often finds optimal conditions to spread out in living space.
But what to do if you discover mold in the apartment? With us you will learn helpful tips and a precise plan for what to do.
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Black mold: How dangerous is it
Even if there is a country -wide opinion, white mold is less dangerous than black, you can't say that across the board. Because depending on the type of mold, every mold can be harmful to health, regardless of whether black or white.
In order to determine which mold it is, it is first a laboratory analysis by an expert. Black mold has at least the advantage that it can be recognized faster than white.
Black mold: how to recognize it
Often there are small black dots on the wall in mold, which spread over time and grow into larger areas that can be dark blue/gray to black.
The types of mold "Aspergillus niger" and "Alternaria Alternata" are particularly harmful to health, especially when the mold spores are released in the air. If you are exposed to the mold for a long time, it can't onlyStimulate the respiratory tract and eyes, but also trigger allergies or lead to asthma.However, these types of mold should rarely appear.
Read too:
Black mold: Why it is created on the wall, the window or in the bathroom
Mold primarily arises from an excessive humidity. This is often noticeable on windows. Condensation is formed here when the humidity is too high.
In this case you should remove the water with a dry cloth. Basically, it is completely normal for condensation to be formed, for example, when cooking at the window. Even if there are many people in a room that naturally breathe, speak and laugh, condensation can arise.
The reason is that the warm air hits a window pane from the inside that is cold from the outside. The phenomenon is often observed on fogged window panes in cars or on the bathroom mirror after showering. As long as you keep the windows in view and it wipes dry when condensation forms, you don't give the mold a chance.
Even low temperatures in interiors favor mold.
Black mold: How to remove it
You can free smaller areas from the mold. Suitable protective clothing is very important. Gloves, safety glasses as well as a mouth protection or a mask are mandatory.
Attention: Immagmal persons or pregnant women should never remove mold themselves!
For example, you can go to the mold with a hard brush or a sponge on the collar. With the help of alcohol, distillery or hydrogen peroxide, a further spread of the mold can be prevented.
Expert tip:It is the safest way to make dabbing movements instead of rubbing with the sponge, as it can whine and can continue to spread. This takes longer, but it is more effective.
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You can also use a highly effective foam spray that can be applied on tiles, joints, walls or ceilings, among other thingsHere at Amazon)*.
The chlorbase spray must be sprayed on from a distance of 15 cm and act for an hour. Then it can be carefully removed with a damp cloth.
Remove mold of joints and window seals
Mold on silicone joints on windows is usually difficult to remove. However, it is often the case that mold forms over time. Especially when the silicone is older, it becomes fragile and moisture in it. If the mold can no longer be removed, the silicone must be renewed.
If you have a pronounced mold infestation, you should contact your landlord and/or hire a professional company for mold removal.
If mold is already affected by mold, it can be difficult to remove it from upholstered furniture or other objects. Then unfortunately only the disposal only helps.
This is how you prevent mold
The best and safest thing you can do to prevent mold is primarily really ventilated and heated. Better than letting the window tip over, it is to be lifted. Simply open the windows for 5 to 10 minutes. As a result, the walls in the rooms do not cool too much.
Incidentally, the ideal humidity in indoor and work rooms is 40 to 60 %- depending on the room temperature.
But only Schimmel does not prevent the air down. Especially when icy temperatures prevail outside, the walls cool quickly and mold formation is favored. On the other hand, if the air in the rooms is warm, it also dries. Therefore, heating is also important.
Larger water puddles on the floor, for example, after showering, you should dry immediately with a towel. Incidentally, plants also ensure a higher humidity. Reducing this can also be a measure.
Reading tip:
Simple dehumidifiers can also help dry the air in rooms. If you often have problems with an excessive humidity, you can buy aElectrical dehumidifier like this from Comfee dehumidifier on Amazon* consider.