Warning technology experts: That's why you should never load your smartphone overnight

Do you also put your smartphone on the charging cable when you go to bed in the evening? A mistake that a lot commit. We explain why this is not a good idea.

The smartphone is our most loyal everyday companion. In order to avoid an empty battery during the day, the beloved device is connected to the charging in the evening before going to bed. The battery is full in the morning and the day can start.

Most of us do not rethink this loading routine. After all, it is practical. But there are crucial arguments against having the smartphone loaded all night.

The battery is damaged by shopping at night

The permanent shop overnight brings several crucial disadvantages. One is due to the constant charging and discharge process overnight, which happens through a built-in automatic: If the battery is 100% after a few hours, the current flow is automatically cut. That should actually protect the battery.

The catch: If no electricity flows, the battery level drops again. The shop starts again at 99%. Load, unload, shop, unload. This long -term loop harms the battery.

Reading tip:

In addition, the charging process causes heat. And this also ensures that the battery of the smartphone breaks faster. In many newer cell phone models, the batteries are firmly installed, so that is twice annoying.

Loading with a cell phone case can also harm

But not only the permanent shop overnight can be harmful to the battery. Even if you always load your device with a cell phone case, you can help to break the battery faster.

The reason: heat can form under the cover. If you want to name your own property for as long as possible, you should remove the mobile phone cover in the future before the charging process.

It doesn't have to be the original power supply

In one point, however, I can calm you down: Your smartphone battery does not hurt if you invite it to a different power supply than the original device. The manufacturers suggest the opposite, but IT experts give the all-clear.

In an interview with the Frankfurter Rundschau, says Lutz Labs from the journal "c't": "In principle, you can load every cell phone with every USB charger." Only the connection has to fit.