According to the study: If you sleep on this page, you are happier

Bad sleep? Then you may sleep on the wrong side of the bed.

Nothing works without sleep! We all have already spent one or the other sleepless night - and therefore only know too well how mies you feel the next day: we are limp, energy -free, easy to concentrate and are difficult to concentrate.

According to scientists, we need an average of seven to eight hours of sleep to recover properly. But whether we really feel rested the next morning has to do with the bed side we sleep.


Study: left -wing sleepers are happier

Left or right? According to various studies, there is actually a better and worse choice when it comes to the right bed side. For aOpinion pollA total of 3,000 adults were asked about their sleeping habits and well -being to the Hotel chain Premier Inn.

In the video: 12 tips so that the night becomes relaxing

Finally sleep better: 12 tips so that the night becomes relaxing

The result:People who sleep on the left side of the bed get better up in the morning and are significantly more relaxed. More than a quarter of the left -wing sleepers surveyed also stated that they had a positive attitude to life and rarely stressed and unhappy. With the right -wing sleepers, this statement only encountered a fifth of the participants.

And not only that: left -wing sleepers should even enjoy their work more - 31 percent indicate that they love their job.

An examination of the bed manufacturer SEALY UK with 1,000 test subjects carried out in Great Britain came to similar results: People who sleep on the left bed side are more satisfied and more relaxed than sleepy. So far, exactly the left bed side has not been found.

This is how you should sleep according to Feng-Shui

Even after Feng Shui there is a better and a worse bed side. However, the Daoist harmony from China clearly differentiates between gender. As a result, women should sleep on the right bed side and men on the left. But why?

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The man's right half of the man is his Yang side, the left half of the woman the Yin side. And Yin and Yang should always be as close as possible. If the man lies on the left side of the woman, i.e. the Yin side, this supplemented and strengthens the femininity of the woman.

If it is the other way around, according to Feng Shui, the man becomes more and more feminine and the woman is becoming more and more male. Unfortunately, homosexual couples are not taken into account.