10 blue-flowering ground cover plants for your beautiful garden

Ground cover plants are the right thing for anyone who wants to make the garden easier to care for. These plants suppress weeds and save you the hassle of weeding the flower bed. They also keep the soil moist and protectedCorrosion. We suggest ten fantastic onesblue flowering ground coverPlants that can form a beautiful blue carpet in the bed.

Fast-growing, blue-flowering ground cover

1. Garten Günsel (Ajuga reptans “Atropurpurea”)

Atropurpurea is a red-leaved variety of the garden gunsel Ajuga reptans. The vigorous,easy-care ground coverBlooms from April to May with beautiful blue flower spikes that contrast beautifully with the reddish-brown foliage. The Günsel grows very quickly and reproduces through runners. It prefers nutrient-rich soil in a sunny or slightly shady location.

Blue flowering ground cover for the rock garden

2. Blue Plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides)

The blue leadwort is very versatile and feels at home almost everywhere. The drought-tolerant ground cover can also be integrated into the rock garden or other sunny places in the garden.

3. Storchschnabel Rozanne (Geranium pratense Rozanne)

Rozanne is a very beautiful geranium variety and is well suited as a ground cover. It bears bright blue flowers with a white center. The cranesbill Rozanne is characterized by a long flowering period.

4. Small-leaved periwinkle Vinca

The evergreen Vinca minor is very easy to care for and thrives well in the shadeas well as in the sun. This ground cover variety is suitable for many situations in the garden and quickly forms an evergreen, blue natural carpet.

5. Garten Günsel Catlin's Gigant (Ajuga reptans “Catlin's Gigant”)

The Garden Günsel Catlins Gigant is just the thing if you are looking for a fast-growing ground cover for a sunny to partially shaded location in the garden. The evergreen foliage is dark reddish and turns green over the summer months. The violet-blue flowers appear in spring.

6. Blauroter Steinsame (Buglossoides purpurocaeruleum)

When blooming, the flowers of the blue-red stone seed are initially purple and then quickly change color to gentyan blue. This hardy, perennial ground cover perennial prefers a sunny location.

7. Kriechender Günsel (Ajuga reptans)

The creeping Günsel is a fast-growing, easy-care ground cover and is well suited for small garden areas. It prefers nutrient-rich garden soil in sunny to shady locations. The blue spike-shaped inflorescences appear from April to June.

8. True to Men – Blue Lobelia

The Male Lobe (Lobelia erinus), also known as the Blue Lobelia, is the ideal choice if you want to fill gaps in the bed. The flower-rich blue lobelia comes between the perennial and hardy varietiesPerennialsjust right.

9. Blue cushion phlox

This cushion phlox looks very pretty on walls and in the rock garden. It is very floriferous, fast-growing, has no high demands on the soil and loves sunny places. In winter the cushion phlox is evergreen and blooms blue from April to June. This ground cover also attracts a particularly large number of butterflies.

10. Upholstery Speedwell Georgia Blue

The small cushion speedwell is a particularly beautiful variety with its lush growth and bright blue flowers. It feels particularly comfortable in the sunny rock garden and prefers soil with a low lime content.