Make Christmas decorations: paper angels from old book pages (only takes 5 minutes)

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First in the video: Why do we decorate the Christmas tree with balls?

Sometimes it's the simple things that make Christmas so special? like these sweet angels made from old book pages.

Not onlyget me in the mood for the coming Christmas season, but also the festive decorations. A few stars here, little tealight houses there... and a few magical angels.

By the way, you can easily make these yourself from old book pages. With just a few simple steps it becomes a nostalgic Christmas angel that makes a great tree decoration or gift decoration.

Credit:Adobe Stock

Instructions for a Christmas angel made from book pages


  • Two old book pages (or pages from a music book)
  • A small wooden ball (approx. 2–3 cm in diameter) with a hole (buy here on Amazon*)
  • Jute twine or thin ribbon
  • A glue stick or hot glue
  • Optional: a black pen to draw a face

Here's how to do it step by step:

1. Fold both book pages evenly like an accordion - fold one from the long side, the other from the short side.

2. Now fold both in the middle, then place the shorter book page on the fold of the longer one. This is how the angel's body and wings are created.

3. Then tie the two sides together with a string and thread a wooden ball through the top. Fasten this with a knot in the ribbon.

3. Finally, glue the open sides of the “body” together with glue. Optionally, paint a face on the angel.

Here in the TikTok video you can take a closer look at the individual steps:

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