Without sleeping pillows, there can be a strong impact on the body. And in many cases they are even positive!
I personally love my pillow so much that I always take it with me while traveling. Without sleeping cushions, it is unthinkable for me. And I'm not alone with that.
A non-representative survey in the Gofeminine editorial team showed that 100 % of the editors sleep with pillows. I probably don't lean too far out of the window when I say that most German beds lie pillows.
But is sleeping with pillows actually healthier or are it just used to it? And what happens if I sleep without pillows now? Here are the answers!
Is sleeping healthy without pillows?
The medical data on the subject of "sleeping without pillows" is thin. However, according to the American "there are"Sleep Foundation“Notes that sleep without pillows can reduce neck and back pain in certain cases.
If you wake up frequently with a stiff, aching neck in the morning, you should rethink your choice of pillow. In many cases and with certain sleeping positions, it is actually the better option to do without the pillow when sleeping.
Back, side or belly: In which position can I sleep without pillows?
If your preferred sleeping position is on your stomach, you should now be aware and rethink your pillow: In the case of abdominal sleepers who sleep on a pillow, the neck is nodding unnaturally and the spine is brought into an unfavorable orientation. The result can be neck pain and back problems.
If you suffer from such pain, you should test whether the symptoms decrease if you sleep without pillows.
You can find out more here:
When shouldn't I sleep without a pillow?
It looks a little different for back and side sleepers. With them, pillows make sense to ensure the correct alignment of the spine. A large gap between the head and mattress is created in the side sleep. Accordingly, this sleeping position tends to require a higher pillow to achieve that the neck and spine are naturally aligned.
Sleeping on the back exerts the least pressure on the neck. To close the small gap between the neck and mattress, more flatter pillows are more suitable here.
Anyone who is one of the interchangeable sleepers should get a multifunctional pillow. I personally swear by Black Roll's recovery pillow, which has two different sides. Depending on the sleeping position, you can just turn it and have the ideal pillow height. In addition, it can be rolled up super small that you can always have it on the go.Here you can order the top rated pillow on Amazon*.
Less wrinkles and more beautiful hair
A realization that caused me to rethink my pillow as a side sleeper is as follows: Some studies come to the conclusion that there is a connection between the pillow and wrinkles on the face.
Those who sleep on their belly or side press their face into the fabric all night. The logical consequence is more and deeper wrinkles. Pimples can also be created by sleeping with pillows, acne can be worsened. The reason is germs that deposit themselves in the pillow and get into the skin when sleeping. For pure skin, it is important to wash the pillow cover and bed linen regularly.
But not only that: the hair can also suffer from the pillow. The hair structure is roughened by cotton covers, it comes fasterand.
The good news: Here you can work against using a pillow cover made of silk. The smooth material is a real blessing for hair, it protects it and makes it shine more.Here is a silk cover on Amazon*.
Reading tip:
Something important at the end: The content of this article only serves the information and does not replace a doctor's diagnosis. If uncertainties, urgent questions or complaints arise, contact your doctor or pharmacist.