1/0 2 diet and everything you should know about alternating fasting!

Complicated and strict diets, constantly counting calories and weighing food - most weight loss methods these days put us too much under pressure. For this reason, interval fasting has always been very popular lately. The nutritional form is consideredvery healthy and effectiveAnd is also very easy to follow. Whether in the popular 16: 8 method or in the 5: 2 variant - there are countless ways to integrate the diet into everyday life. At the moment, another form of intermittent fasting is finding more and more followers, namely the so -called 1/0 2 diet. But what exactly is behind it and how does the 1/0 2 diet method work? We will tell you the answers to these and many other questions in our article!

The 1/0 2 diet, or also known as alternating fasting, was developed by the Austrian psychologist and cabaret artist Bernhard Ludwig. The normal days alternate with fasting days. The 1 is called the day on which you can eat everything your heart desires and the next day it will be fasted - so the name comes. Or explained even easier - for example, if you have eaten on Monday at 8 p.m., you can only eat again on Wednesday at 8 a.m. However, long fasting times are advised - the body gets used to the little energy and as soon as they start eating normally, the famous yo -yo effect threatens. This diet is considered the hardest variant of fasting and is particularly suitable for people who already have experience with this form of nutrition.

Can eat everything and still lose weight? - How exactly does the 1/0 2 diet work?

Not having to do without pizza, chocolate and Co. and still lose weight healthy - it just sounds too good to be true, right? According to a study by the university in Graz, the 1/2 in 2 method diet on the eating days is about 25% fewer calories than if you eat normally. In addition, many studies and surveys show that people find intermittent fasting much easier and more relaxed than most diets find losing weight. After all, you don't have to do without anything and don't worry about the food on the fasting days. However, during Lent you can only drink calorie -free drinks such as water or unsweetened coffee and tea.

If this variant is too extreme for you, we have good news for you. So that you can get used to the diet more easily, you can first start with the modified and simpler variant. You are allowed to consume up to 500 calories or about 20-25 % of your energy requirement on the fasting days. Whether you do without food completely or consume 1-2 light meals plays almost no role in losing weight-one or something you will guarantee a few kilos! There is no general rule what you can eat or drink on the fasting days with this 1/0 2 diet. However, since the calorie intake is greatly reduced, we recommend that younutritious and protein -rich foods,as well as concentrating low -calorie vegetables. Soups ensure a long feeling of satiety and are a very good option. And here are a few more examples of suitable meals:

  • Small eggs without oil with salad
  • Bump huge yogurt Mit berries
  • Grilled fish or lean meat with salad
  • Vegetable soup

Is the diet healthy and what advantages does it bring with it?

The intermittent fasting and all of its forms have been concerned with scientists worldwide for many years and a number of health benefits have been proven.

  • From now on, hunger attacks belong to the past -This is mainly due to the fact that you don't have to do without anything on the normal eating days. In this way, it is much easier to motivate and hold out.
  • The metabolism is boostedAnd due to the Esstage, the body cannot switch to the so -called industrial flame. This in turn ensures that the yojo effect does not occur.
  • The fasting diet 1/0 2Stimulates the brain's performanceAnd the nerve cells can regenerate faster during Lent.
  • Regulates the blood sugar level and lowers the blood pressure
  • With the 1/0 2 diet method, the distribution of theGrowth hormone HGH,alsostill as the anti -agingHormone known, increased.
  • Helps with type 2 diabetes -More than a third of Germans suffer from prediabetes - an illness in which the blood sugar levels are already above the normal value, but still there is still no diabetes. A calorie reduction and weight loss leads to normalizing the values ​​- due to the fat loss on the stomach, the insulin effect is particularly improved. According to a study, the insulin levels for people who have followed the 1/0 2 diet have dropped by 30 % after only 10 weeks.
  • Diat 1/0 2 and autophagy -Autophagy is one of the most important processes in our body. Old and faulty cells are broken down and used. This plays a key role in preventing a number of diseases such as heart disease, cancer or infections. A calorie restriction and the waiver of solid food for at least 12 hours activate the cell regeneration and the self -cleaning process in the body.

What side effects and complaints can occur?

In the first place becomesThe intermittent fastingused to detoxify the body and weight loss is a welcome side effect. And since the 1/0 2 diet is a stricter variant and fasting times are far too long, even the inventor advises that you first consult with a doctor. Remember that women should consume around 1800 to 2400 calories average a day. The complete waiver or a limitation to only 500 calories, even if it is for a few days a week, is quite extreme and can have both good and bad side effects. In the first few days or even weeks in the conversion phase, some unpleasant symptoms, also known as detoxification crises, could occur.

  • Fatigue, fatigue
  • severe headache
  • Circuit problems
  • nausea
  • Oral breath can still occur on the fasting days.

For whom is alternating fasting and for whom not?

Even if fasting generally has a positive effect on the body, the 1/0 in 2 diet is not suitable for everyone. If you prefer to keep your fingers away from it, you will find out below.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women- The supply of the body with important vitamins and nutrients is of great importance during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Fasting you harm your baby and that can lead to a lower birth weight.
  • If you take certain medicationIf you first consult with your family doctor whether the 1/0 2 diet is suitable for you. There are certain drugs such as vitamin A, B and E, which always have to be taken with meals. Or if you take antidepressants or blood thinners, alternating fasting may not be suitable for you.
  • Women who have underweight or suffer from an eating disorder,Under no circumstances should fasting with 1/0 2 diet try.
  • With some diseasessuch as liver and kidney diseases, disorders of thyroid gland, heart disease or psychosis.
  • Sport-Strentful workouts, especially during the conversion phase in the first 1-2 weeks, could also be a risk of your health. Only slight walks in the fresh air are recommended.

What are the jokerage on the 1/0 in 2 method diet?

You are invited to a birthday or a family meal, but it is precisely that day you have to fast according to the plan? Then the so-called joker days are their rescue. You have the opportunity to exchange the normal and fasting days from time to time. It is up to you whether you make fasting day or leave it out completely. However, such joker days are only allowed after the first month and may not appear too often.

If you have already decided to try alternating fasting, there are some points that you should pay attention to.

  • Drink enough water on the fasting days.
  • Even if all foods are allowed on the normal days, try not to overdo it. However, a balanced and nutritious diet can support the positive effects of the 1/0 2 diet method.
  • In the first place you should listen to your own body. As soon as cardiac arrhythusic disorders or stomach complaints occur or you have too low blood pressure, you should definitely stop fasting.


Any methods, information and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self -diagnosis and treatment and do not serve as a substitute for competent, medical advice.

The diet method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or medical problems, speak to your doctor before starting.