What is interval fasting, intermittent fasting: 5 methods at a glance

Intermittent fasting, or IF for short, has quickly become one of the most popular diets in Germany. But where does this insatiable enthusiasm for intermittent fasting come from? Intermittent fasting is not actually a diet in the truest sense of the word. It's more like a lifestyle, a meal break for a certain period of time. The principle of intermittent fasting is very simple: food intake is stopped completely over a few hours or individual days. In fact, there are different fasting methods that differ in duration and implementation. The 16/8 diet, for example, also known as the 8-hour diet, is one of the most popular diet programs for losing weight. Today we'll take a closer look at five of them and reveal the advantages and disadvantages of each type of fasting.

What is interval fasting and what methods are there?

According to several experts, this is fastingfor healthgenerally extremely beneficial. Why? During the fasting phase, the body does not use any energy for digestion. This in turn makes it possible to activate the detoxification process, which is not possible during the digestion phase. In addition, fasting generally improves the process of eliminating dead and damaged cells. This allows cells to be renewed, muscle tissue to be improved and therefore also has an anti-aging effect. As a bonus, the hormones are also brought into optimal balance.

During the fasting phase, the body uses its fat reserves to produce energy during breaks from eating. Insulin decreases and glucagon increases to provide the body with energy. Most of this energy comes from glycogen stores and fat reserves. With intermittent fasting you can burn fat in a targeted manner.

The five most common methods of intermittent fasting attempt to take advantage of each of these benefits. Each method has its own guidelines for how long to fast and what to eat during the “feeding” phase. Think about how the eating period fits best into your daily routine and what goals you have set for yourself.

Remember, intermittent fasting is not for everyone. People with health problems of any kind should consult their doctor before changing their diet.

1. Lean notMartain Berkhan (16/8)

Suitable especially for:Dedicated fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders who want to lose body fat andBuild musclewant.

How it works:You should fast for 14 (for women) to 16 (for men) hours per day, the remaining 8 to 10 hours are for eating. You should not consume any calories during fasting. However, black coffee, calorie-free sweeteners and sugar-free chewing gum are permitted. (A splash of milk in your coffee won't hurt either.) Most practitioners find it easiest tothrough the nightand to fast until morning. You usually break the fast about six hours after waking up. This schedule can be adjusted to suit each person's lifestyle, but it is important that the times of day and calorie intake always remain the same. Otherwise hormones in the body could become unbalanced.

What and when you eat during the eating phase also depends on when you exercise. On training days, carbohydrates are more important than fat. Fat intake should be higher on rest days. Protein consumption should be fairly high each day, although it varies depending on goals, gender, age, body fat and activity. Regardless of your specific diet program, unprocessed foods should make up the majority of your calorie intake. However, if you don't have time for a meal, a protein or meal replacement shake is acceptable (in moderation).

Advantages:For many, the highlight of this program is that on most days, meal frequency is irrelevant. During the eight-hour eating phase, you can actually eat whenever you want. That said, most people find it easier to eat three meals a day.

Disadvantages:Although the times of day for eating are flexible, Leangains has fairly specific guidelines about what you should eat, especially in the context of an exercise program. The strict nutrition plan and planning meals around training can make sticking to the diet a little more difficult.

2. Eat-Stop-EatafterBrad Pilon (5 to 2)

Suitable especially for:People who eat healthy but are looking for an extra boost to their workout routine.

How it works:Fast for 24 hours once or twice a week. No food is consumed during the 24-hour fasting period, but one can drink calorie-free drinks such as water, coffee and herbal tea. Once the fast is over, you can eat normally again. One can fast from breakfast to breakfast or dinner to dinner.

The basic concept? It's about reducing your overall calorie intake per week without really restricting yourself on what you can eat. If your goal is to lose weight or improve your posture, it is important to note thatregular workouts, especially resistance training, are key to success with this plan.

Advantages:24 hours can seem like a long time without eating. The good news is that this intermittent fasting program is flexible. In the beginning the principle “all or nothing” does not apply. Go as long as possible without food on the first day, gradually increasing the fasting period to help your body adapt. Pilon suggests starting the fast when you're busy and on a day when you don't have any eating appointments.

Another advantage: There are no “forbidden foods” and no calorie counting, precise weighing of ingredients, etc. This makes sticking to the diet much easier. It's all about moderation: you can still eat what you want, but maybe not as much.

Disadvantages:Going 24 hours without eating can be too difficult for some - especially beginners. This can also lead to annoying symptoms such as headaches, tiredness, irritability or restlessness (although these side effects may lessen over time). The long period of fasting can also make it more tempting to fill your stomach after a fast. This can be practiced... but it takes a lot of self-control, which some people lack.

3. The Warrior DietOriHofmekler (20/4)

Suitable especially for:People who like rules – with unrestrained devotion.

How it works:One should fast for about 20 hours a day and can have a large meal during the remaining 4 hours. What and when exactly you eat during this big meal is also the key to the success of this interval fasting method. The principle is based on providing the body with nutrients it needs to be synchronized with circadian rhythms and that people are night eaters, programmed to eat at night” .

The fasting phase of the Warrior Diet is really more about “malnutrition.” However, during the 20-day fast, you can eat a few servings of raw fruits or vegetables, fresh juice, and a few servings of protein. This is intended to maximize the sympathetic nervous system response, which is said to promote alertness, increase energy and stimulate fat burning.

The 4-hour eating phase – which Hofmekler calls the “overeating” phase – occurs at night to maximize the ability of the parasympathetic nervous system and allow the body to regenerate. This is intended to promote inner peace, relaxation and digestion while allowing the body to absorb the nutrients needed for regeneration and growth. According to Hofmekler, eating at night can also help the body produce hormones and burn fat during the day. During these four hours, the order in which you eat certain food groups also counts. You start with vegetables, protein and fat, then only eat carbohydrates if you are still hungry.

Advantages:Many have chosen this diet because “Lent” still allows them to eat a few small snacks a day that make it easier to get through. As the methodology explains, many people also report increased energy levels and fat loss.

Disadvantages:The guidelines for what to eat (and when) are very difficult to follow. The strict schedule and menu can also disrupt social gatherings. It's especially hard for those who don't like eating large meals late in the day.

4. Fat Loss Forever AfterJohnRomaniello and Dan Go

Suitable especially for:Fitness fans who love cheat days.

How it works:Not completely satisfied with the intermittent fasting diets listed above? This method takes the best of Eat Stop Eat, the Warrior Diet, and Leangains, and combines it all into one plan. You get one cheat day per week, followed by a 36-hour fast. The remaining days are divided between the different types of fasting. Romaniello and Go suggest doing the fasting phase on the busiest days so you can focus on productivity. The plan also includes training programs to help participants achieve maximum fat loss in the easiest way possible.

Advantages:Although we technically fast every day - during the hours when we are not eating - most of us do so haphazardly, making it harder to see results. Fat-Loss-Forever offers a seven-day intermittent fasting plan to help the body adjust to this structured schedule and get the most benefit from fasting periods.

Disadvantages:On the other hand, untrained people can even gain weight through regular cheat days. Since the plan is very specific and varies from day to day, this method can be a bit confusing.

5.UpDayDownDay dietaccording to Dr. James Johnson

Suitable especially for:Disciplined people with a specific target weight.

How it works:One day you eat very little and the next you eat completely normally. On low-calorie days, this means a fifth of your normal calorie intake. With a calorie consumption of 2,000 or 2,500 calories (for women and men respectively), the calorie intake on a fasting day should be 400 to 500 calories.

To make it easier to get started, Johnson recommends opting for meal replacement shakes. They are enriched with essential nutrients and you can drink them throughout the day. However, meal replacement shakes should only be used during the first two weeks of the diet - after that, you should really start eating a few small meals on "down" days. The next day, eat as normal.

Advantages:This intermittent fasting method is all about weight loss. So, if that is your main goal, this type of fasting is ideal for you. According to Dr. According to Dr. Johnson, participants who reduce their calorie consumption by 20 to 35 percent are expected to lose approximately 1 kilogram per week.

Disadvantages:While the diet is fairly easy to follow, you should strictly count calories on “down” days. It's very easy to be tempted.

Intermittent fasting – conclusion

Of course, intermittent fasting – regardless of the method – is not for everyone. If you have any medical conditions or special dietary requirements, it is advisable to seek advice from a doctor before fasting.

If it doesn't appeal to you, or if you feel hungry, that's okay. Our bodies need time to adjust, and some require more than others. Keep in mind that hormones can make it harder for women to follow a fasting plan. Be patient and start with a shorter period of time. If you don't feel well, try something else, or accept the fact that intermittent fasting may not be for you.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.