Contrary to what many people believe, losing weight as you get older is no more challenging than it was when you were young. This is according to a study that gives older adults new hopeFight against excess weightgives. So the research offers encouragement for seniors hoping to reap the health benefits of maintaining a healthy weight.
How do you lose weight as you get older?
In an anti-obesity program that ran in Great Britain, theWeight loss in people over 60years not influenced by age. This can be very important for people whose health would benefit from weight loss, according to the study authors. Weight loss is important at any age. However, as people age, they are more likely to develop obesity-related comorbidities.
Many of these are similar to the effects ofAging on the gut microbiome. So some experts might argue that the relevance of weight loss also increases with age. The study authors write that weight loss can help older people manage more than 50 age-related comorbidities such as diabetes, osteoarthritis and mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Increased mortality and a general lack of well-being in older adults are also associated with obesity. So there are a number of reasons why people should stimulate weight loss in older people.
Many health experts support the somewhat discriminatory theory that losing weight as you get older is more likely to be harmful to your health and not relevant. Additionally, there are many misconceptions about older people's reduced ability to lose weight through dietary changes and increased exercise. The study therefore provides evidence that such a program, carried out particularly by medical professionals, could have great value in this area. Older people may feel that such services in hospitals are not for them. Service providers and policy makers should recognize the importance of weight loss in older people with obesity in maintaining health and well-being and in facilitating ahealthyRecognize aging, according to the study authors. So aging shouldaccording to the study resultsnot be a barrier to a better lifestyle if you are obese. Instead, this process should be proactively facilitated. Otherwise there would be a risk of further and unnecessary neglect of older people due to societal age-related misunderstandings.