For many people, losing weight after 60 becomes increasingly difficult as they have to try not to lose their body mass at the same time. This is because as we age our metabolism is no longer as fast as it was when we were young. This can be the caseLoss of muscle masslead. However, it is not too late to reverse the aging processes and get in shape regardless of age.
Appropriate training and nutrition as methods for losing weight after 60
The key factors for weight loss include regular exercise and a change in diet, which could consist of lean protein sources, fruits and vegetables. Next to onehealthy diet and a calorie deficitPeople over 60 should also challenge their bodies in other ways during training. This way can also increase the burning of calories. Accordingly, older people should focus on regular strength training and appropriate aerobic exercises. If both are present, they canfollowing five helpful tipshelp with weight loss.
Add strength training with a medicine ball to your fitness program
As we age, most people not only lose muscle mass, but also strength and speed. One of the best training tricks is to incorporate strength training into your training plan. This means adding exercises that use type 1 muscle fibers. Afunctional strength trainingcould be a solid introduction to fitness after 60. Strength exercises not only improve speed but also stimulate the central nervous system. This allows older individuals to recruit more muscle fibers during their workout, which promotes calorie burning. The best exercises for losing weight after 60 include those with a medicine ball. A few sets of 8 to 10 reps are great for this.
Cluster training with weights as an effective training method
Cluster training is a fun exercise technique that can be easily integrated into your daily routine. This allows people over 60 to put more strain on their muscles and helps them recruit and use all of their muscle groups. To perform a so-called cluster set, a regular weight exercise should be performed with 15 to 20 repetitions with short breaks in between. It is recommended to choose a weight that is challenging but safe to perform around 8 to 10 repetitions. Once you reach this rep range, rest for 15 to 20 seconds and then do as many reps as possible. In this way, endurance and strength can be trained better.
More cycling races when training with a bicycle ergometer
Instead ofan ordinary workoutIf you do it on a bike, if you're trying to lose weight after 60, consider incorporating some cycling sprints into your training routine. Such more intense cycling races also burn more calories and fat than normal exercise, and do so in a shorter time. The best option is to start intensely for 15 to 20 seconds and then rest for 20 to 40 seconds. Afterwards, 6 to 10 rounds can be repeated.
Increase sport-independent activity thermogenesis
NEAT stands for “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis”, which in German means sport-independent activity thermogenesis. Basically, this represents the energy used outside of training sessions in addition to sleeping and eating. A good portion of calorie burning comes from total calorie expenditure. It is therefore important to get as much physical activity as possible during the day. That's because people are considered sedentary even if they get a workout but don't actually move during other hours of the day. For this reason, physical activity during the day can be an important factor in losing weight after 60. An example of this could be daily playtime with a dog or grandchild. Most people of this age always look forward to such opportunities. This also includes gardening, housework on the daily list and simply increased physical activity.
Low-intensity cardio during rest time
Another way to increase calorie burn is to do light cardio activity during rest time. They are suitable for thisExercises with or without an exercise bike, jumping rope or even bodyweight squats. When performing this type of movement throughout the workout, the body burns significantly more fat.