Researchers at the University of Konstanz and the University of Vienna have found that eating spinach increases growthof beneficial bacteriacan promote in the intestine. The leafy vegetables contain a sulfur sugar that the bacteria convert into hydrogen sulfide. The gas is known for its specific smell and, depending on the amount in which it is present in the intestine, can have a negative or positive effect on the intestinal flora. In small amounts it can inhibit inflammation, larger amounts can trigger certain diseases.
Bacteria in the intestine: Spinach contains an important active ingredient
Digestion is a complicated process that begins with the consumption of food. In the stomach, the proteins contained in the food are then broken down by enzymes and the contents reach the small intestine, where the nutrients are absorbed. The chemical component is processed by microbes in the intestine. Researchers know that they play an important role in our immune system. However, how the bacteria in the intestine feed and how they process this food remains unclear to this day. The research team therefore hopes to gain a better understanding of these processes through the study. This is very important because in the future we will be able to regulate the bacteria in the intestine through food.
The new study is based on the results of previous laboratory tests. At that time, the scientists discovered that the microorganisms in the intestine feed on, among other things, sulfoglucose. It is mainly found in leafy vegetables such as spinach.
Bacteria in the gut: The role of hydrogen sulfide
This time the researchers took stool samples from peoplefed and analyzed with spinachshe. They found that some of the most common bacteria in the gut feed on sulfoglucose. During the process, these bacteria convert the sulfoglucose into hydrogen sulfide, which in turn serves as food for other bacteria.
As part of another study, the scientists would like to research the positive effects of sulfuglucose and examine whether it can promote intestinal health and be used as an active ingredient in prebiotics.