Get rid of belly fat: With these tips the kilos will disappear!

A few kilos too much on the hips and lifebelts on the stomach: According to statistics from the Federal Office, half of adults are overweight. Doctors warn that belly fat can have a negative impact on our health. The visceral fat is deposited around the organs and is consideredRisk factor for heart problemsand the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. It can also lead to metabolic disorders. Women are particularly at risk because even an extra kilo plays a big role for them. A flat stomach not only looks better, but is also good for our health and well-being. Unfortunately, it's not that easy to lose weight in just one part of the body. We will give you some tips on how to get rid of belly fat.

Get rid of belly fat: Visceral fat is harmful to our health

In medicine, a distinction is made between two types of fatty tissue: The subcutaneous fatty tissue accumulates directly under our skin, is visible and fulfills several functions. On the one hand, it stores energy in the fat cells, and on the other hand, it forms a layer that protects the body from the cold. The second type, visceral fat, is harmful because it forms around important abdominal organs such as the liver or intestines and produces messenger substances. They promote inflammation and release hormones that can help increase blood pressure. They also promote the production of insulin. The consequences are not long in coming: high blood pressure,Cardiovascular diseasesand metabolic disorders. This makes it all the more important to reduce belly fat as much as possible. But in order to lose your belly fat, you should first be able to measure it correctly.

Lose belly fat: How to measure your visceral fat

Most people assume that body mass index is crucial when measuring belly fat. But that's actually not true, because BMI only provides information about the fatty tissue in the entire body. Even in otherwise slim people, visceral fat can form. For women, for example, we talk about belly fat during menopause, because then the fat formation is hormonally caused. In men, regular alcohol consumption often contributes to abdominal weight gain.

It is therefore not the BMI that provides important information, but rather the waist circumference. For women it should be less than 88cm and for men it should be less than 102cm. If it is larger, most doctors recommend that the affected person get rid of the belly fat.

The doctor can best assess the cause of the big belly. It could be that it is a hormonal problem. In this case, they should be treated timely and correctly. However, if the reason for the large abdominal circumference is weight gain, then a few tricks can help. This is how belly fat can disappear:

Get rid of belly fat: it's all about the right diet!

If you want to reduce your belly fat, you should first change your diet. Above all, patience is required because this problem area is usually particularly stubborn. Numerous studies (1, 2) have shown thatLow carb dietsare more effective than low-fat diets and allow the excess kilos to melt away. The keto diet is a good option.

Reduce Belly Fat: Keto Diet Nutrition Plan

A study (3) conducted by the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Connecticut, USA, was recently published. As part of the study, the 28 overweight test subjects were divided into two groups. The first group was supposed to follow a keto diet and the second followed the rules of a low-fat diet. Surprisingly, participants on the keto diet were able to lose more fatty tissue, including visceral fat, than subjects who followed a low-fat diet plan. What is interesting is the fact that the participants on the keto diet consumed 300 calories more per day than the participants on the low-fat diet. According to the researchers, this is because theKeto Dietdrastically reduced the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet.

Meal plan keto diet recipe suggestions for 1 week


Breakfast: Herb omelet with bacon

Lunch: Salad with broccoli and quinoa

Dinner: chicken soup without noodles


Breakfast: Keto bread with bananas and bacon

Lunch: Salad with broccoli and quinoa

Dinner: Rump steak with cauliflower rice


Breakfast: Herb omelet with bacon

Lunch: chicken salad with vegetables

Dinner: chicken with broccoli


Breakfast: Keto bread with bananas and bacon

Lunch: Salad with chicken and vegetables

Dinner: chicken soup without noodles


Breakfast: Herb omelet with bacon

Lunch: Salad with salmon and cucumbers

Dinner: Sliced ​​meat with vegetables


Breakfast: pancakes with cream cheese and bacon

Lunch: Sliced ​​meat with vegetables

Dinner: Cobb salad


Breakfast: pancakes with cream cheese and bacon

Lunch: Cobb Salad

Dinner: Salad with salmon and cucumbers

Burn belly fat: Mediterranean diet

DieMediterranean dietis another option whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven. Scientists from Israel conducted a study (4) and found that the Mediterranean diet helps reduce visceral belly fat.

The Mediterranean diet plan is based on the dietary habits of Mediterranean people and focuses on a balanced menu. Compared to lightning diets, the Mediterranean diet takes a little longer until you lose those annoying kilos and reduce your belly fat. However, the yo-yo effect can be avoided. The basic principles of the diet include consuming raw fruits and vegetables daily, adding herbs to salads and dishes instead of salt, and using healthy fats such as olive oil when preparing food.

Foods you can eat include: fish, seafood, sheep cheese, yoghurt, seasonal fruit and vegetables, Mediterranean herbs (fresh or dried), nuts, whole grain products (bread, pasta, noodles). Even a cup of coffee and a glass of red wine daily are allowed. The most important thing is that you cook as fat-free as possible and prepare your own food from fresh food instead of reaching for frozen food.

Get rid of belly fat: These exercises really help reduce visceral fat!

If you want to get rid of belly fat, then you should not only change your diet but also do regular exercises. But which training really helps to burn the visceral fat around the abdominal organs? A training plan that is created according to the “2:2:4” rule proves to be the optimal option. This program states that you should do at least 30 minutes of strength exercises two days a week and at least 40 minutes of cardio exercises on two other days. On these four days you should eat healthy (fresh fruit and vegetables, fat-free dishes with few carbohydrates). On the remaining three days you can eat whatever you want.

This training program is the perfect introduction for beginners because, unlike crash diets and power workouts, you can choose your favorite exercises or sports yourself.

Get rid of belly fat: endurance training

At the same time, losing weight works best with an endurance training program. For example, you can get rid of stubborn fat deposits on your stomach with an eight-week program. The most important thing is that you train in the morning before breakfast. Jogging and swimming are perfect for this. If you prefer to stay at home, you can do kettlebell exercises.

Get rid of belly fat: strength training

Suitable strength exercises include bodyweight exercises such as straight and reverse crunches, diamond push-ups, diagonal leg and shoulder raises or dolphin swimming.

  • The straight crunches build the abdominal muscles and for many people are the first step to a toned stomach. However, they are not very suitable for untrained people, as the vertebral column can become rolled up if the posture is incorrect.
  • The triangle push-up, also known as the diamond push-up, challenges the muscles in the upper arms and back. It's an exercise that's good for getting started.
  • Diagonal leg and shoulder raises train the lateral abdominal muscles.
  • Dolphin swimming is a good strength exercise for the back muscles.

When creating a strength training program, you should definitely seek advice from a fitness expert. He can best assess which exercises will help lose belly fat.

Reduce belly fat: This is something you should definitely avoid

In order to reduce visceral fat and maintain your weight permanently, you should avoid certain foods in the future.

1. Avoid sugary drinks. They contribute to fat formation and the fructose they contain is converted into fat by the liver.

2. Limit alcohol consumption. However, a glass of red wine every day can have a positive effect on your health and boost your metabolism.

3. Avoid processed foods that contain harmful trans fats. Trans fats are created by processing vegetable oils into a lubricating mass or by heating oil repeatedly, for example by frying. They are very popular among manufacturers because they have a long shelf life. Many packaged sweets, chips and ready meals contain trans fats. Instead, you can choose keto recipes.

4. Seek help for sleep disorders. Studies have proven that people with sleep disorders can build visceral fat more quickly. People who sleep less than 6 hours a day are particularly at risk. Simply increasing the duration of sleep has a positive effect on the body and leads to a reduction in belly fat by 26%.

5. Reduce stress. Our body produces the hormone cortisol to prepare for stressful situations and then releases it more when necessary. It has been scientifically proven that women with large waist circumference produce more cortisol.

6. Don't eat too much. Try intermittent fasting to establish an optimal eating rhythm for your body. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting helps reduce visceral belly fat.

1)Japanese studyregarding the effect of low-fat diets on the human body, especially in relation to the reduction of visceral abdominal fat

2) Studythe University of Connecticut, the USA regarding the effects of low-carb diets.

3) Study by the University of Connecticut, USA regarding theEffects of Keta diet.

4) Studyby Israeli researchersin relation to the Mediterranean diet.