How many carbohydrates per day on low carb to lose weight?

A low carb diet is based on avoiding carbohydrate-rich foods such as pasta, bread, starchy vegetables, sugar and scores with lots of protein, healthy fats and water-containing, fiber-rich vegetables. Today we'll tell you how many carbohydrates you should eat per day if you want to lose weight with low carb. But how restrictive you need to be when minimizing carbohydrates depends on your insulin sensitivity, your current carbohydrate intake, your physical activity and your weight loss goals.

Why lose weight with low carb?

No more white bread, muffins, cookies, pastries or white rice - this means a lot of calories are eliminated from the diet. With the low-carb diet, you will not only eat less, but you will feel fuller for longer. Avoiding carbohydrates will stabilize your blood sugar so you won't get any more cravings. It's not actually a diet, but a lifestyle. If you permanently change your diet, you will lose weight healthily and in the long term.Delicious low-carb recipesThere are already many that you can cook and enjoy and they make changing your diet very easy. Since the ingredients have already been carefully selected and precisely balanced, you don't have to count calories.

Types of Low Carbohydrate Diets

In general, 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates. For a 2,000 calorie eating plan, that's 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates per day. On a moderate low-carb diet you shouldn't eat more than100 to 150 gramsNet carbohydrates are consumed while on other diet variants50 to 100 gramsnet carbohydrates per day are allowed. Very strict low-carb diets, such asthe Keto Variants, just lets50 GrammNet carbs per day or even less.

Net carbohydrates are those that our bodies actually metabolize and affect blood sugar. You determine the net carbohydrate value of a food by subtracting the weight of fiber from the total amount of carbohydrates.

All low-carb diets involve eating primarily meat, poultry, fish, cheese, oils, and leafy vegetables. You should never completely avoid carbohydrates, but rather consume them in small quantities. How many grams of carbohydrates you can eatdepends on the diet variant selected.

  • 100 to 150 grams of carbohydrates per day

You could divide 100g of brown rice into two or three meals - each meal contains around 20 grams of net carbs. You could also optionally enjoy 50 to 100 g of starchy vegetables such as winter squash or carrots or and 50 g of black or cannellini beans. You can eat one or two pieces of fresh fruit, such as half an apple and a whole peach, for dessert or as a snack between meals. Moderate portions of healthy fats, such as 30 grams of nuts or a quarter of an avocado, are also allowed at most meals.

  • 50 to 100 grams of carbohydrates per day

With this option, you can eat low-carb fruit such as 100g of fresh raspberries with 3 grams of net carbs and 50g of oatmeal per meal. The rest of your carbohydrate intake should come from water-rich, fiber-rich vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, cucumbers, peppers and mushrooms. Combine these with healthy fats like seeds and nuts as wellhigh quality cooking oilsand avocado.

  • less than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day

On a ketogenic diet you eat mostly animal protein, healthy fats and small amounts of vegetables. Coconut oil, fatty fish, olive oil, and a modest portion of cheese make up the majority of a keto diet plan. You could have eggs and bacon for breakfast; a thumb-thick cheese stick and a handful of almonds as a snack; a burger patty with cheese and an egg for lunch; and for dinner, chicken and vegetables fried in coconut oil.

Which diet suits you?

It may take some experimentation to determine which low-carb diet is right for you. If you are significantly overweight or obese and desperately need to lose weight, a ketogenic diet may be the right choice for you. Typically, this diet results in fairly dramatic weight loss, but it is not without risks and side effects. Therefore, you should consult your doctor or a nutritionist before starting.

If you just want to lose a few pounds, you can use between 100 and 150 gramsCarbohydrates per daytake in. A moderate low-carb diet is not too restrictive and provides you with enough carbohydrates and energy for exercise. By doing this, you will also prevent the unpleasant symptoms that can accompany extremely low-carb diet plans. People who are particularly active in sports may find that this moderate carbohydrate minimization best suits their lifestyle and weight loss goals.

If you no longer lose weight on the moderate low-carb diet, you may need to reduce your carbohydrate intake to 50 to 100 grams for the scale's arrow to move downward. If you need help planning a low-carb diet, consult a licensed nutritionist.