Tampons and sanitary pads could detect infections using color-changing fibers

The yeast Candida albicans can cause itchy, painful urinary tract and vaginal yeast infections. For womenin resource-poor regionsFor those without access to medical facilities, these infections impose a significant social and economic burden. Now researchers in India have developed cotton fibers that turn bright pink when a yeast infection is present. Embedded in tampons or sanitary pads, they could allow women to quickly and discreetly self-diagnose vulvovaginal yeast infections, the researchers say.

According to the Mayo Clinic, about 75% of women will experience a yeast infection or vulvovaginal candidiasis at least once in their lives. Although women in resource-rich areas can be easily diagnosed with a vaginal swab at the doctor's office and then treated with an antifungal drug, many women around the world do not have access to basic health facilities. Additionally, in some resource-limited areas, societal taboos cause women to feel shame or embarrassment about symptoms, which discourages them from seeking medical attention. Therefore, Naresh Kumar Mani and colleagues wanted to develop a cost-effective method that could be integrated into menstrual products and allow women to quickly, easily and discreetly self-diagnose Candida infections.

The researchers experimented with common multifilament cotton fibers that they purchased from a local craft store. To improve the threads' absorbency, the team treated them with a heptane solution, which removed waxes and binders added during manufacturing. The fibers were then coated with a molecule called L-proline-β-naphthylamide (PRO) – the substrate for an enzyme secreted by Candida albicans – and embedded in the inner layers of sanitary napkins and tampons.

When the researchers spread simulated vaginal fluid laced with Candida albicans on the pads or tampons, the areas containing the yeast turned bright pink. Detection time was only 10 minutes, compared to 24-72 hours for traditional tests.

The feminine hygiene products still need to be tested on humans, but researchers say they could be sold for as little as 30 cents each. Additionally, the fibers could easily be adapted to simultaneously detect other pathogens, such as: B. Bacteria that also cause urinary tract infections.

You can read more about the study here:ACS Omega 2021(Knitting Thread Devices: Detecting Candida albicans Using Napkins and Tampons; Anusha Prabhu, Hardik Singhal et. al.)