Only when the intestines are healthy can one expect good general health. It is no longer a secret that intestinal health is crucial for this. But just pay attention to foods that are oneBuild healthy intestinal florais not enough. There are also foods that you should avoid if possible because they have exactly the opposite effect: they kill healthy intestinal bacteria.
Gut healthy, people healthy – How the gut keeps us healthy
The natural and good intestinal bacteria, together with immune cells, are crucial for the defense against viruses, bacteria and fungi. When the gut is healthy, it can also communicate with the brain via nerves and hormones - an important function that helps promote and maintain overall health and well-being. We contribute to healthy intestinal flora by eating the right foods - products that contain probiotics, but also foods rich in fiber are essential for this. But many people don't consider that just as some products are beneficial, others destroy the good bacteria. This is also what Dr. Michael Mosley and Dr. Kirsten Berding Harold from the University Hospital in Cork. “There are many unhealthy foods that we know so well such as processed foods, high-fat foods, fried foods and high-sugar foods,” explains Dr. Berding Harold, basically all those we actually love so much.
Foods that harm healthy bacteria
For this reason, experts also recommend reducing or even avoiding the amount of processed foods that are high in sugar and fat so that the intestines can stay healthy. Instead, opt for more plant-based foods and those that contain lean protein. Also avoid:
Light drinks
Two things disrupt healthy gut flora: carbonation can lead to bloating and increased belching, while artificial sweeteners like saccharin and sucralose, used in some diet sodas, have a negative impact on the number and diversity of good bacteria, studies have shown have.
Saturated fats
Saturated fatty acids, which are found in butter, fatty meat and cheese, among other things, can also influence the diversity of intestinal bacteria. So if you want to keep your intestines healthy, reduce consumption and choose products with healthy fats.
Red meat
Studies have shown that a compound called carnitine present in red meat mixes with gut bacteria. The substance trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) is formed. In higher amounts, this in turn increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and is associated with earlier death.