These are the best fruits you can eat, according to a nutritionist

If we're honest, all fruit is good! Not only is fruit delicious, but it also provides a variety of vitamins and nutrients that the body needs. However, if one had to choose the best fruits to eat, it would be berries. We explain why a nutritionist says you should eat berries every day to keep your body young and healthy. And to find out how many calories are in the most popular types of fruit, you canread this article.

“When it comes to healthy fruit, berries are at the top of the list,” says Amy Goodson, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, author ofThe Sports Nutrition Playbook. “They are full of fiber, vitamin C and flavonoids, which are a powerful antioxidant.”

Compared to all other fruits, berries have the highest fiber content. For example, 100 g of raspberries contains 4.7 g of fiber, which covers around 20 percent of the recommended fiber intake per day. Fiber stimulates digestion, keeps the intestines healthy and reduces appetite. That's why they also help you lose weight.

Plus, as Goodson mentions, berries are an excellent source of antioxidants. ThisAntioxidants protect cellsfrom free radicals that cause oxidative stress and prevent chronic diseases.

While there are many different foods that limit these antioxidants, berries are known to contain the most antioxidants, along with pomegranates.

But is there one type of berry that is considered the best of the best? Goodson points out that blueberries may be a top choice due to their higher antioxidant effects. Besides thatBlueberries contain polyphenols, which can relieve inflammation throughout the body and slow cell aging.

In addition to all the health benefits, berries are incredibly versatile when it comes to putting together healthy meals - especiallyfor breakfastand dessert!

Berries can be wonderful with muesli, oatmeal orwith yogurtbe eaten. You can also add them to baked goods and salads, stir them into smoothies and juices, or enjoy them alone as a healthy snack.

So take full advantage of the berry season this summer and enjoy the entire range of berries - from strawberries to currants and blueberries to raspberries and blackberries! They taste best when freshly picked!