Fruit calories – an overview of the most important information for a healthy diet!

We learned as children that fruit is healthy. It is natural and packed with valuable vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. For this reason, it should be an integral part of a healthy and balanced diet. But which fruit has the fewest calories and which has the most? Which are the best fruits for losing weight and have the least fructose? You can find all this and much more information about the health effects of fruit in our article!

Fruit Calories – These are the best fruits for losing weight

According to the German Nutrition Society, you should eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, divided into 2 portions of fruit and 3 portions of vegetables. According to several studies, a single serving of fruit daily reduces the risk of heart disease by 7%. In general, the fruits are considered low in calories andvery high in fiber. But not all fruits are the same - some varieties contain much fewer calories than others. Which fruit has the fewest calories? Below we have put together a detailed list of the lowest calorie fruits that you can enjoy at any time without any regrets.

  • Acerola cherries have 20 calories per 100 gramsand end up in first place on our list. They are characterized by a slightly sour taste and are full of valuable ingredients. A handful of delicious cherries covers your daily vitamin C requirement.
  • Strawberrieshave only 32 calories per 100 gramsand are another very low calorie fruit. And the sweet, red fruits are also extremely healthy - they provide you with iron, zinc, potassium and calcium during your diet.
  • Feel free to grab itCantaloupe Melone,because it has34 calories per 100 gramsand is very rich in vitamin A.
  • When it comes to low-calorie fruits, watermelon is a must. This delicious refreshment consists of over 90% water and only has38 calories per 100 grams.
  • With yoghurt or quark for breakfast or simply as a delicious snack –Raspberriestaste incredibly good and are very rich in many valuable antioxidants.
  • Even ifGrapefruitsWhile they are not particularly popular because of their bitter taste, they are undoubtedly healthy fruits. In addition, they are with only38 calories per 100 gramsvery good for your figure.
  • 100 grams of blueberriesjust bring it up36 caloriesand contain many antioxidants that protect the cardiovascular system.
  • The exotic papayais a very tasty, low-calorie fruit and as they only36 calories per 100 gramshat,You don't have to worry about your diet while snacking. When ripe it has a very sweet and juicy taste and when unripe it tastes rather bitter and tart. Papaya is also very rich in papain - an enzyme that accelerates fat burning and helps digest protein.
  • Peachescontain a lot of vitamins A and C, iron, potassium and zinc and are with41 calories per 100 gramsthe perfect healthy snack alternative in summer.
  • The apricotsare very healthy fruits and only offer47 calories per 100 grams.In addition, they are very rich in Pro Vitamin A, which has a positive effect on your eyesight.

Which fruit has the fewest carbohydrates?

In addition to fruit calories, other factors are also very important for a healthy and balanced diet. The sweet taste of fruits comes from the sugar content and the amount of fructose that some fruits contain is surprisingly high. A low carb diet involves avoiding all carbohydrate-rich foods. But if you eat the right fruit in the right quantities, you can continue to benefit from the many health benefits that some fruits offer us. Read on and find out which fruit has the fewest carbohydrates per 100 grams.

  • 100 grams of watermelonIn addition to vitamins A and C, they only contain potassium and magnesium7,66 Gramm Nettokohlenhydrate.
  • Strawberriesjust have5,68Grams of net carbohydrates.
  • WithBlackberriesreceive4.31 grams net carbs.
  • Raspberriesare with5,44 Grammalso an excellent choice for low-Kh fruit.
  • Even though they are very sweet and juicy, they havePeaches only 8.04 net carbs.Combined with cottage cheese, they are the perfect low-carb snack for the summer.
  • Tangerinesare simply part of the winter and with only8 grams of carbohydratesyou can enjoy them without any regrets.
  • KiwiNot only is it low in calories, it also has a very good vitamin K content. In addition to containing many minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc, it also contains only8 grams of net carbs.

And which fruits have a lot of carbohydrates?

In fact, there are many healthy fruits that have a very high carbohydrate content and are not suitable for a low carb diet. All types of fruit that contain more than 20 grams of carbohydrates in one serving are absolutely taboo.

  • A medium-sized banana has a whopping 27 grams of carbohydratesand is therefore unsuitable for anyone on a low-carb diet.
  • Unfortunately, just like most citrus fruits, delicious mangoes are also full of carbohydrates. OneMango has around 28 grams of carbohydrates, but at the same time can cover 80% of your daily dose of vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Even ifPineappleis very low in calories (50 calories per 100 grams), this does not mean that it is suitable for low carb consumption. The delicious fruit lands with you22 grams of carbohydratesat number 3 on our list.
  • Surprisingly, hasone medium apple 25 grams of carbohydrates.
  • Dried fruitshave a lower water content than fresh fruit and for this reason they contain a very large amount of carbohydrates. The values ​​are normally around70 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of dried fruit.

Which fruit has the least fructose?

Undoubtedly, all fresh fruits are healthy and very tasty. But even though most fruit is low in calories, the sugar content is usually much higher than you think. It has been scientifically proven that the fructose it contains is in no way healthier than conventional table sugar.Especially if you want to limit your sugar consumption a little, you should be very careful when choosing the types of fruits you consume. Below you will find the types of fruits with low, medium and high sugar content.

  • Lemons only have 2.5 grams of sugar and 30 calories per 100 grams.Even if they are not suitable for snacking, they work well in various salad dressings and smoothies. They also cover half of your daily need for vitamin C and the acid they contain has an antibacterial effect and helpsProblems with digestion.
  • Watermelons contain 6 grams of sugar per 100 gramsand, as already mentioned, are rich in vitamins C and A, which makes them very good for your skin and hair.
  • Guaveis a little-known citrus fruit, but surprisingly it is a berry fruit. It is very rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium. And with just6.7 grams of sugarit is also figure-friendly.
  • With 37 calories and 7 grams of sugarcount thoseCactus figthe healthiest and lowest calorie fruit ever. However, since they do not continue to ripen, you should always choose fruits that are already ripe when buying.

When is it best to eat fruit?

No matter whether morning, lunch or evening - fruit is generally healthy at any time of the day. But in order to benefit from all the benefits it offers for our health, we must pay attention to a few rules.

  • So that the fruits can support the detoxification of your body and the healthy nutrients are better absorbed, you shouldAlways consume fruit on an empty stomach. When you treat yourself to a delicious fruit salad after dinner, your fructose is released in your stomach and begins to ferment with the remaining stomach contents. The whole thing can lead to major problems in the stomach and intestines.
  • For sensitive stomachs and heartburnYou should avoid all acidic fruits such as apples or pineapples in the evening.
  • It's best to only enjoy fruit until the afternoon -Sometimes it cannot be digested properly in the evening and remains in the large intestine, which in turn leads to sleep problems andcould lead to a bloated stomach. Or if you sometimes have an appetite, choose low-sugar fruits and, if possible, go for a short walk afterwards.

Berry calorie content and health effects

Regardless of whether it's raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, etc. - the small fruits are very healthy and rich in many vitamins and nutrients. They also support the immune system and, according to the latest studies, they reduce the risk of a heart attack by up to 60%. Below you will find more information about the health effects of the small power fruits.

  • How many calories do strawberries have?we have already mentioned. With only 34 kcal per 100 grams, they are very low in calories and yet they contain much more vitamin C than lemons. They also have a very high content of potassium, calcium, iron and folic acid and help with anemia or various intestinal problems.
  • The raspberriesCalories per 100 grams are 33. The small fruits are rich in many B group vitamins, iron and phosphorus, which are good for your metabolism and the blood. They also contain anthocyanins – active ingredients that, according to the latest research, prevent cancer.
  • blueberries,or also known as blueberries, stimulate the intestines and support blood formation. They also strengthen the eyes and the tannins they contain help against diarrhea.
  • The blackberries have 43 calories per 100 gramsand due to their high content of calcium, potassium and magnesium, they are very good for our muscles and bones. They are also very rich in vitamins C, A and E and contain a lot of iron, potassium, calcium, carotene, magnesium as well as fruit acid and pectin. The super fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect, promote blood formation and help with fever.
  • Currants contain 36 calories per 100 gramsalso very low-calorie and healthy fruits at the same time. Since the seeds are very rich in gamma linolenic acids, they are very good for your skin and can in some cases help fight neurodermatitis. They also contain plenty of vitamin C, iron, potassium and calcium. Their high fiber content helps lower cholesterol and helps with digestive problems.
  • CranberriesIt is usually available in dried form. But to reap all the health benefits they offer, it's best to consume them fresh. Fresh cranberries are not only very healthy, but also low in calories - they only have 45 calories per 100 grams. Due to their high content of antioxidants and phytochemicals, they have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect you from many diseases.

How many calories do bananas have and how good are they for your health?

Bananas are extremely delicious and a very popular snack on the gofor everyone who pays attention to a healthy diet. The calories in a banana are around 110 and the carbohydrates are around 30.

  • The exotic fruit contains many essential nutrients such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron, which are very important for the body's regeneration after fitness training. For this reason, all athletes swear by the health benefits of bananas.
  • Additionally, bananas offer many heart health and digestive benefits.
  • The power fruits also contain tryptophan – a protein that the body converts into serotonin. This in turn increases your mood and ensures relaxation and is of great importance in combating depression.
  • The iron contained in bananas stimulates the production of hemoglobin, which could help with anemia.

How many calories do apples have and health benefits?

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – most of you are probably familiar with the old saying. A medium apple of around 180 grams has 95 calories and around 25 grams of carbohydrates. Apples are the most commonly eaten fruit in Germany for good reason - they contain over 30 important minerals and trace elements, including lots of iron and potassium. Since most of the flavonoids, polyphenols, fiber and vitamins are in the peel, you should always eat apples unpeeled. But not all apples are the same – the composition of the ingredients varies depending on the variety. What are the healthiest apple varieties and is yours one of them? We'll tell you right away!

  • Because the older apple varieties are less processed compared to the new varieties, they are much healthier. These include, for example: Boskoop, Cox Orange, Berlepsch, Goldparmäne, Ingrid Marie and Idared.
  • Granny Smithis one of the most popular apple varieties and is a true all-rounder. The green, tart apples are so rich in vitamin C that just 100 grams of apple have the same effect as 400 mg of pure vitamin C from the pharmacy. In addition, they contain a lot of magnesium and potassium, which are good for the nerves.
  • ElstarApplesare characterized by a juicy and sweet taste. They contain many antioxidants and bioactive enzymes, which protect against joint inflammation and promote the formation of immune cells.
  • Braueburnare super juicy and very rich in chlorogenic acid - a plant substance that successfully kills the bacteria that cause tooth decay.
  • Boskoop applescontain a lot of pectin and ensure that cholesterol and fats are more easily excreted. This makes it the perfect apple variety for losing weight.

Orange – health effects and calories orange

Oranges originally come from China and this is what their second name “Apfelsine”, which translates as “apple from China”, tells us. Fruity, delicious and full of healthy ingredients - it's not for nothing that they are the most widely grown citrus fruit in the world. A medium-sized orange weighing around 200 grams is 87% water, has only 85 calories and 11.8 grams of carbohydrates.

  • Vitamin C cannot be produced by our body itself and therefore we have to consume it through food. With 2-3 oranges you can completely cover your daily need for this vitamin.
  • Oranges are rich in iron, phosphorus, folic acid and many vitamins from the B group, which strengthen the immune system and have an antioxidant effect.
  • The magnesium content in the delicious citrus fruits should not be underestimated and the mineral is particularly important for the density of the bones.
  • Since oranges contain a lot of potassium, eating them can reduce high blood pressure.

Calories in Watermelon and Health Benefits

Watermelons are a very popular snack, especially in the hot summer days. But in addition to good taste, the delicious fruit also offers us numerous health benefits.

  • Watermelon consists of 92% water and is therefore the perfect thirst quencher in summer. 32 - that's how many calories fresh watermelon has per 100 grams and that makes it one of the best fruits for losing weight.
  • They contain large amounts of vitamins C, A and B6, which are good for your skin, hair and eyes.
  • The high fiber content regulates digestion.
  • In addition to the vitamins and many valuable nutrients, the delicious watermelon scores with a very high content of carotenoids and protects against many diseases, such as asthma, arthritis and arteriosclerosis.
  • Watermelon owes its deep red color to lycopene - an oxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and strengthens the immune system through its anti-inflammatory effects.

Different types of melon – honeydew melon nutritional values

In addition to watermelon, honeydew melon is also a very tasty and refreshing snack for the summer. If you are looking for a delicious fruit to lose weight, then honeydew melon is the best choice. 100 grams of it only has 55 calories and 12 grams of carbohydrates. Not only is it low in calories, it is also extremely healthy and contains large amounts of vitamins C, B1 and B2. The most important vitamin, however, is provitamin A, which is converted into vitamin A in the body and is of great importance for the eyes and cell growth. In addition, honeydew melon is very rich in various minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.

Cantaloupe Melone Kalorien

Cantaloupe is the sweetest type of melon there is and with only 34 calories per 100 grams it is also a very low calorie fruit. An interesting fact is that the smaller the melon, the more nutrients and vitamins it contains. It contains large amounts of vitamins C and B, which strengthen the immune system and ensure healthy hair growth. Just 100 grams of cantaloupe melon covers more than the recommended daily requirement of vitamin A.

Galia Melons Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits

The Galia melon is a hybrid variety of honeydew melon and cantaloupe and was bred in Israel. It is rich in vitamins C and A, many bioflavonoids and contains large amounts of pectin. In addition, the delicious fruit contains many minerals such as iron, potassium, calcium and sodium. They ensure a healthy heart and are good for the metabolic processes in the muscles.

How many calories do grapes have?

Despite the high sugar content, grapes only have 67 calories per 100 grams. So if you only pay attention to the fruit calories, they are the perfect healthy snack on the go.

  • They also contain many phenols and flavonoids - these are plant substances that absorb free radicals in the body and in this way significantly reduce the risk of cancer and successfully prevent arteriosclerosis.
  • They are a very important source of vitamins C, A and K and provide important minerals such as copper, iron, potassium and magnesium.
  • Daily consumption of the small, delicious fruits stimulates the metabolism and regulates the acid-base balance.
  • The calories of red grapes and those of green grapes actually hardly differ. However, red grapes contain much more resveratrol - a very powerful plant substance that, according to many studies, prevents heart disease and fights inflammation and even tumors.