Diabetes, hypertension, obesity and lack of exercise: most people know the risk factors that cause onepromote heart attack. But there are other, little-known factors that also increase the risk of a heart attack. Cardiologist Steven Nissen from the clinic in Cleveland, USA, summarized them.
1. Difficult to control intense feelings
Very intense feelings such as sadness or anger can trigger a heart attack. The reason: they are difficult to control and can increase blood pressure and also cause the pulse to accelerate. Such emotional stress can cause more than just a heart attack. It is often also to blame for the so-called stress cardiomyopathy and can cause the heart to malfunction. The symptoms can hardly be distinguished from the symptoms of a heart attack. However, the condition is not life-threatening and usually has no long-term consequences.
2. Heavy physical strain in people who are not fit enough
People who want to get fit again overnight and suddenly put too much strain on their bodies with exercises are at risk of a heart attack. Everyday tasks such as shoveling snow can also be dangerous. Even basketball or soccer games can end up in the intensive care unit.
3. Hearty meals
A large meal can trigger a heart attack. The exact reason for this is unknown, but doctors report more heart attacks around the holidays every year.
4. Dangerous cold
When the body is exposed to very low temperatures, the blood vessels contract and blood pressure rises. Add to that severe physical stress and it's no wonder that the number of heart attacks increases every winter. That's why ice bathing is strictly forbidden for people with heart disease.
5. Other diseases
Patients suffering from other serious illnesses often do not think about a heart attack at all. However, doctors warn that these diseases can lead to a heart attack:
- Arthritis, lupus and other diseases that can inflame blood vessels
- Diabetes Typ 2
- Schlafapnoe
- Breast cancer if the heart is also irradiated during treatment.