New study gives hope in the fight against fatty liver and liver cancer

Almost every fourth German suffers from non -alcoholic fatty liver disease, although most of them don't guess it at all. Obesity, unhealthy nutrition, too little movement, as well as type 2 diabetes favor the disease that can lead to cancer in combination with chronic liver inflammation and have fatal consequences. In order for inflammation at all, certain immune cells must immigrate into the organ. As part of a new study, researchers from Germany and Switzerland found out what role blood tiles play.

Fat liver and liver cancer: Are blood platelets involved in the development of cancer?

An international team, which was made up of researchers from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, the University and the University Clinic in Zurich, recently found that platelets play an important role in the development of inflammation in the liver. So the scientists were able to do experimental mice first, and then in patients with oneobserve such diseasethat increased blood plates in the organ could be found. They were allegedly attracted by special copper cells and then docked it using a glycoprotein. In any case, the process could be reversed if the researchers blocked the protein with an antibody. Accordingly, the concentration of the messenger substances that attracted the immune cells and the inflammation decreased.

But not only antibodies can be used in the treatment of liver inflammation, anticoagulants were also able to successfully contribute to reducing the platelets in the liver. All the more theResearchers reportedthat the experimental mice that were treated for a year did not develop any illness. In the future, the risk of fatty liver and liver cancer may be reduced.