These 9 Fruits Can Trigger Instant Migraines, Says New Study

What could be nicer thanfresh fruit in summer? But unfortunately, it turns out that some popular summer fruits can have a nasty effect on some people. Researchers in Brazil have identified nine fruits as migraine triggers. We show you the list of these migraine triggers that everyone with migraines should avoid.

The research team consisted of four neurology and nutrition professionals working at Brazilian universities or hospitals. The scientists designed the fruit migraine study on the premise that some foods are known to trigger migraines, even if the mechanism behind them is not well understood. Previous research has also looked at the impact of scent on migraines. One study found that perfume, paint, gasoline, and bleach—in that order—are significant migraine triggers.(The link to this study can be found at the end of the article)

The researchers in the current study wanted to examine some of the more flavorful everyday foods to look for a similar effect. For some foods, the research summary states: “There is evidence that they influence the pathogenesis of migraine by affecting meningeal inflammation, vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels), and cerebral glucose metabolism.” In other words, previous research had suggested that some foods can trigger migraines because theyInflammation of the central nervous system, the dilation of blood vessels (and thus blood pressure) and the brain's sugar metabolisminfluence.

Another interesting point wasthe time that passed after eating fruituntil the headache occurred. With this in mind, the researchers examined almost 4,000 migraine sufferers and just over 1,100 patients suffering from tension headaches. It is noteworthy that 40.3%, i.e. almost 1,600 of migraine patients, experienced migraine within8 to 90 minutes after eating the fruitused. Here are the fruits that most commonly triggered migraines in study participants:

  1. Watermelon (29.5%)
  2. Passion fruit (3, 73%)
  3. Orange (2, 01 %)
  4. Pineapple (1.52%)
  5. Weintraube (0, 51 %)
  6. Banana (0.46%)
  7. Cucumber (0.43%)
  8. Acerola (0.25%)
  9. Papaya (0, 25 %)

That's right: Watermelon, our favorite summer snack, was the fruit linked to migraine attacks in most migraine sufferers. And while most migraine sufferers will probably want to change their diet to avoid headaches, this study is a relief for non-migraineurs: Only the study participants with a history of migraines had a migraine attack after eating these fruits. The researchers state thatNone of the tension headache patients reported the occurrence of headaches after consuming these fruits.

References:Postgraduate Med. 23. April 2021: Watermelon and others plant foods that trigger headache in migraine patients; Raimundo Pereira Silva-Néto et al.

Cephalagia January 2014: Odorant substances that trigger headaches in migraine patients; R.P. Silva-Néto, M.F.P. Peres, M.M. Valença