The topic of “organ donation” is very controversial. One thing is certain: there is a global shortage of organ donors. Japanese researchers want to solve the problem in an unconventional way. A team of scientists in Tokyo recently received approval to grow human organs in animal embryos and allow the hybrid creatures to live after birth. The project is funded by the Ministry of Science in Japan. The goal of the research program is to grow organs for all organ recipients.
Japanese researchers want to grow human organs in pigs in the future
Until recently, it was forbidden worldwide to breed animal embryos with human stem cells. But now the Japanese government is trying to find a solution for all patients who need organ transplants.For this purposeThe embryos are first genetically manipulated so that they cannot form a pancreas from their own cells. The scientists assume that this is why the hybrid creatures can build a pancreas from human cells. The researchers first want to experiment with mice to determine whether the embryos remain healthy after birth. They also want to research whether the human stem cells will spread in the embryo's body and form nerve or brain cells, for example. If you are successful with the project, you could in the future grow organs from the stem cells of the organ recipients and in this way keep the risk of a rejection reaction to a minimum.
Animal abuse or science?
Opponents of this method point out that the hybrid creatures could open Pandora's Box. They are of the opinion that this case is about animal abuse. They also fear that the effects of human stem cells in hybrid creatures have not yet been sufficiently researched and that they could cause cancer or other diseases.
The controversial topic will certainly continue to be discussed in the coming years, as it may be at least 10 years before the first transplants occur.