Idealo is suing Google for market abuse

The German price comparison portal Idealo Internet GmbH today filed a claim for damages worth around 500 million euros against Google at the Berlin Regional Court. Idealo claims Google made it harder for users of its search engine to find the site's links after the tech giant began promoting its own price comparison offering. It's aboutGoogle-Shopping, which was introduced in Germany in 2008. The litigation could lead to similar actions from companies that have been reluctant to seek damages from the Silicon Valley giant.


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Idealo is the first major company to sue Alphabet Inc.'s Google LLC. In 2017, EU antitrust watchdogs fined them 2.42 billion euros. The search engine puts competitors at a disadvantage when searching for products online in favor of its own shopping service. At the time, EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager encouraged companies to use the decision as a basis to seek damages against the companyThe Internet Giantto demand.

Google appealed the decision at the time, saying it “respectfully disagrees” with the ruling.

Idealo is now demanding €500 million in damages after Google allegedly changed search results. The accusation: By downgrading competing offers, Google gives its price comparison an unlawful and anti-competitive advantage. The German company also claims Google violated the EU competition watchdog's 2017 decision by failing to change how it promotes its own services in search results. Even after being fined.

Google did not respond to any media inquiries on Friday morning.