Could drinking coffee regularly help fight Alzheimer's and prevent cognitive problems?

In a new study, scientists were able to show how increased coffee consumption works against Alzheimer's and prevents neurodegenerative processes. This is good news for those who can't start the day without the pick-me-up. The recent long-term study suggests that drinking larger amounts of the beverage increases the likelihood of theDevelopment of neurodegenerative diseasescould reduce.

The potential of coffee against Alzheimer's as a preventive agent

The study authors examined whether regular coffee consumption would have a positive effect on cognition in participants over a decade. The test subjects without memory disorders had a lower risk of cognitive impairment if they consumed a lot of coffee at the start of the study. As a rule, cognitive problems often precede Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, drinking more coffee led to positive results in certain areas of cognitive function. This was particularly true for executive function, which includes planning, self-control, and attention. Higher coffee consumption also appeared to be associated with a slowing of amyloid protein accumulation in the brain. This is a key factor in the development of the neurodegenerative disease. According to the study authors, this could make it possible to use coffee as a simple preventive measure against Alzheimer's. This could be particularly useful in people who are not yet showing symptoms of the disease.

According to the authors, the current results of this research could contribute to the development of new guidelines. Given the new findings, adding another cup of coffee per day would be recommended for people at risk. Doubling the usual daily amount of 240 ml could significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline after 18 months, according to the study authors. However, researchers still need to determine more precisely which components of coffee are behind its seemingly positive effects on brain health. Although they have caffeine with the resultsthis studyhave been linked, preliminary research shows that it may not be the only contributor to the possible delay in Alzheimer's disease.