Nutrition with seedlings – the advantages and types at a glance

Spring is approaching and this is the best time to cleanse and detoxify the organism. During the winter, toxins accumulate in the body and with the right diet you can help your body get rid of them. Of course, this should be done without starvation and complicated diets. All you have to do is supply your body with high-quality, complete amino acids, fats and simple sugars. The advantage of these nutrients is that the body does not have to use a lot of energy to absorb and process them. They are best suitedfruit and vegetables. These can be in the form ofSalaten or juice can be consumed.

Diet with seedlings to detoxify the body

But there is another food that can help detoxify the body and is also very healthy. This refers to the seedlings. Their positive properties are characterized by a high proportion of enzymes and nutrients. That's why they're easy to process by the body. An important advantage that...Seedling nutritionis that the immune system is strengthened. This is because the body recognizes a new energy potential and the organism can cleanse, regulate and recover more easily. Furthermore, new cells can be formed. It is not without reason that the enzymes just mentioned are referred to as the living energy in food. They are responsible for processing nutrients and are catalysts that control all processes in the body. This is why feeding seedlings is so beneficial.

Nutrition with seedlings – What is special about seedlings?

The seeds begin to germinate as soon as they come into contact with air, water and a certain temperature. During this process, a lot of energy is stored in them. If the seedlings then come into contact with our gastrointestinal tract through the seedlings diet, this energy is released. If the seedlings are not older than 7 days, the amount of enzymes increases. To illustrate the extent, it can be mentioned that this amount is a hundred times larger than that of fruits and vegetables. Eating seedlings allows the body to easily compensate for the enzyme deficiency that occurred in the winter.

Seedling nutrition outperforms fruits and vegetables

Another special feature of nutrition with seedlings and especially with the seedlings themselves is that the carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars. In this way, they gain a new structure that is much easier for the body to process. The proteins also experience a change. They are transformed into easily processed amino acids, while the fats are broken down into fatty acids. This is actually what fats are made of. And these are by no means all of the positive properties that arise when germinating. Furthermore, the amount of vitamins increases by three to fifteen times. At the same time, the minerals maintain an even amount and relationship to each other. This means that they can be absorbed equally by the organism. This means that all the minerals absorbed from seedlings can be processed equally well and none of them are lost.

Nutrition with sprouts – proteins, vitamins and minerals in large quantities

The seedlings contain a large amount of water and fibrils. This also applies to the antioxidants. As a result, a diet of seedlings protects DNA from destruction and slows down aging. In principle, you should know that the amount of proteins, vitamins, enzymes and minerals, or in short all important nutrients, as well as DNA and ribonucleic acid (RNS), is at its highest at this point in the growth of plants.

Nutrition with seedlings – the advantage for the enzymes

To understand why these properties and sprouted nutrition are so special, you should know that the body has to break down all proteins, fats and carbohydrates back into simple structures in order to be able to process them. This is no longer necessary after consuming seedlings, as they enter the body in an already broken down state. For this reason, sprouts, fruits and vegetables are also the perfect foods for the body. By feeding with seedlings, the body is supplied with all the important nutrients without having to use the energy storage from enzymes for digestion. This allows the latter to develop further and then ensure oxidation and ionization of the weak cells, allowing the body to recover and be cleansed. If the enzymes were concerned with digestion, this could not happen.

Nutrition with sprouts – which sprouts should be consumed?

When feeding seedlings, you shouldn't just stick to one type of seedlings. In order for the body to receive enough protein and all the nutrients it needs, you should combine several types. In addition to a different taste, each type of seedling also has different advantages and properties that should be taken into account. We would now like to introduce you to a few types of seedlings for proper nutrition so that you can get a rough overview.

Nutrition with alfalfa seedlings

Alfalfa is also known as alfalfa. The seedlings are very healthy. This is due to the high amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Furthermore, it has all the essential amino acids. These sprouts are best consumed between the 5th and 7th days. During this time, the proportion of vitamin A and the groups B, C, D, E and U is the same. The minerals can also be best absorbed by the body during this period. These are in particular iron, phosphate and calcium.

Nutrition with sunflower seedlings

These seedlings have up to 30 percent proteins. Another ingredient are lecithins. Vitamin D, which is rarely found in vegetables, is also present here. This is especially important so that the body can process the calcium. This in turn strengthens the bones.

Nutrition with buckwheat seedlings

Buckwheat seedlings contain all eight essential amino acids. They are also the most complete source of protein in the world. They have the property of cleansing and alkalizing the colon and stimulating digestion. These sprouts also contain a lot of lecithins. The body needs these to break down the fats present in the body. Buckwheat seedlings also improve blood circulation.

Seedling nutrition – seeds and sprouts of buckwheat

Nutrition with broccoli sprouts

Broccoli sprouts are another source of important nutrients. Among other things, they contain sulforaphane, the proportion of which in the seedlings is between ten and a hundred times higher than in the vegetables themselves. The special thing about sulforaphane is that it protects the cells from damage and cancer. It also releases a natural enzyme called glutathione, which neutralizes and detoxifies carcinogen present in the body before it damages the DNA.

Nutrition with radish seedlings

The positive properties of radish seedlings are that they clear and release mucus from the respiratory tract. They also ensure the excretion of worms and improve the intestinal flora.

Nutrition with mung bean seedlings, lentils, adzuki beans

These seedlings contain soluble fibrils. They also have a positive effect on low cholesterol because they remove the dangerous LDL cholesterol from the blood. Since the seedlings can regulate insulin in the body, they also have a positive effect on blood sugar.

Nutrition with fenugreek seedlings

On the one hand, these seedlings have a calming effect on the mucous membranes. With their help, the digestive system is also cleansed and supplied with nutrients. They reduce inflammation and contain the chlorides responsible for the fats in the body. In this way, body weight is controlled.