Do you want to know what foods you shouldn't eat with cherries? Here you can find out more about the potentially unhealthy combinations that could be dangerous in certain cases!
What should you pay attention to when eating cherries?
Cherry trees are a popular part of any orchard, with their juicy and delicious fruits a favorite of most people in the summer andhealthy snackare. Not only their taste, but also their properties can have a beneficial effect on the body. These are mainly due to the vitamins it contains, such as A, B and C, as well as minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, anthocyanins and carotenoids.
In addition, there are also some nutritional benefits when you eat cherries, as eating them facilitates certain processes in the body. This includes brain function, the circulatory system, digestion, as well as heart and kidney function. In addition, regular consumption of such fruits helps maintain good looks. This is because cherries help in the fight against cellulite and age-related changes in the skin that manifest themselves in wrinkles.
You can therefore eat cherries in different ways - directly after picking, as cherry juice or in the form of jams or jellies. However, when it comes to diet, it should be taken into account that the combination with some other foods could prove to be harmful to health. According to nutritionists, the recommended daily dose for adults without diseases such as diabetes or gastritis is 200 g. However, if you have acute stomach problems or other complaints, you should eat cherries in limited quantities. Additionally, there are certain foods that don't go well with cherries, and here are some of them.
Potentially harmful combinations with cherries
First of all, it is good to know that eating cherries immediately after a main meal is not recommended. Instead, you should eat it later and wait at least 30 minutes between lunch or dinner and the portion of cherries. This way you ensure that the fruit can have a positive effect on your body.
An inappropriate combination of foods and cherries is the joint consumption of legumes. Nutrition experts say that you shouldn't eat beans, peas or other dishes containing chickpeas directly with cherries. The reason for this is that the two types of foods individually cause bloating. A combination of foods that have such an impact on the gastrointestinal tract can be a prerequisite for symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea and heaviness.
In addition, no acidic foods should be eaten at the same time as cherries. This could lead to increased stomach acid production in sensitive people and cause heartburn. Some examples of such foods include citrus fruits, and particularly lemons, as well as apples, raspberries, grapes and plums. So if you have existing symptoms, try to be careful and let a doctor know if they worsen. Otherwise, cherries are healthy and can be eaten properlyEat like sour cherriesbe very beneficial for the body in summer.