Using textile materials and a computational model, researchers from the United States recently developed a new type of mosquito-fighting clothing. They were able to 100 percent prevent the bites of 200 live mosquitoes in a cage. The study volunteer wore the mosquito repellent clothing with a shirt originally designed for the military. The self-developed computer model describes the behavior of Egyptian tiger mosquitoes that transmit viruses andDiseases such as Zika, dengue feverand cause yellow fever.
Reliable protection against mosquitoes with clothing
The researchers believe their computer model could help develop innovative mosquito-fighting clothing to reduce disease transmission. They were able to prevent the insects from penetrating the fabric. To test the accuracy of their model, the team examined materials that are considered puncture-resistant. In experiments with live, disease-free mosquitoes, the researchers surrounded a blood reservoir with plastic materials that matched the parameters. Then they counted how many insects had soaked in blood. The researchers also compared the ability of the substancesTo ward off mosquito bites, with insecticide-treated substances. Based on the findings from previous experiments, they then developed sturdy, body-hugging underwear made of thin material as well as a long-sleeved shirt that was originally intended as an operational shirt for the military.
When a volunteer wore the garments for 10 minutes while sitting and 10 minutes standing in a walk-in cage with 200 hungry mosquitoes, the combat shirt was able to demonstrate 100 percent effectiveness. The developers also tested the mosquito repellent clothing for comfort to observe how well it traps heat and releases moisture. Everyday clothing that people regularly wear in summer is no protection against insect bites.This studyhowever, has shown that this no longer has to be the case. Such protective clothing, which can be worn by everyone during the day, can be made puncture-proof. The model used also allows clothing manufacturers to cover all possible garments with the technology.