What to eat against mosquitoes? – These foods and vitamins help the natural defense against mosquito bites

Blood-sucking insects rely primarily on their keen sense of smell to identify their preferred food source, but what does eating kill mosquitoes? If you are not already aware of this and do not have the smelling ability of a mosquito, your diet can greatly influence the chemicals released and therefore your smell. Some of the scents that come from eating certain foods are unattractive to mosquitoes. Additionally, it can mask your natural, human scent. Read on for a natural way to protect yourself from annoying mosquito bites during the summer.

What diet repels insects and what food provides protection against mosquitoes

The messengers of summer, the mosquitoes, are already here. The trouble doesn't end with their buzzing, stinging and itching afterwards. Recent statistics show that the number of cases of Chikungunya andDengue fever much higheris what causes a lot of fear among people. When you're indoors, you have options to repel mosquitoes, but what about when you're outside in warm weather? Someone with a humanitarian mindset might even think before putting them down. So, the best way out – eat what would naturally repel these annoying insects.

There are foods whose smell naturally repels mosquitoes. If you consume these more often in the summer, you will probably become a mosquito repellent yourself. To do this, include some ingredients commonly found in meals in your daily diet. Such mosquito repellents can make it difficult for the bloodsuckers to find and feast on their victim. Below are some quick and easy ways to keep mosquitoes at bay without having to cover yourself from head to toe in unattractive chemicals.

Eat onion and garlic against mosquitoes

Garlic is the most well-known food linked to deterring blood-sucking mosquitoes. Eating garlic is known to have devastating effects on your breath. However, if your friends and family can handle it, the garlic could help you with mosquito repellent. Accordingly, this popular food ingredient releases a compound known as allicin, which is released through your pores when consumed. Allicin masks your natural smell and therefore helps mask you from these stubborn pests. Onions and other members of this plant family, such as leeks, shallots and chives, also release allicin when eaten, so you can alternate between consuming them.

Because allicin decreases the longer it is exposed to heat, scientists and nutrition experts suspect that this defense method works best when people eat such foods cut into pieces and raw. Start eating a clove or two of garlic each day several days before you plan to go outside. Then eat one clove every day for the duration of your time outdoors. You willsmell of garlicsweat and mosquitoes will stay away. However, if you don't like uncooked garlic and onions, both make great additions to your favorite pasta and tomato-based dishes. You can also use them to add a little more flavor to stir-fries, rice and baked chicken, for example.

Drink apple cider vinegar as a mosquito repellent

To prevent a swarm of stinging insects during the summer season, you can also turn to another common and natural home remedy. It alters your normal body odor to make it unattractive to the little insects. So try to consume a tablespoon of the vinegar every day by drinking it as it is. However, apple cider vinegar can also be mixed with honey,Soups or saladsadd. It has been a commonly used natural mosquito repellent for many years.

Like most of the other ingredients on this list, apple cider or white vinegar works by changing your smell. This makes you less attractive to those pesky mosquitoes. Its advantage is that it does not affect how you smell to other people. For example, if you're going on a camping trip, prepare ahead of time and start consuming a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every day three days before the trip. Keep it with you throughout your time outdoors. You can also moisten a cotton ball with white vinegar and rub the stuff on your skin to repel mosquitoes and other insects.

What eating tomatoes with mosquitoes can do

Tomatoes are one of several foods rich in thiamine, also known as vitamin B1. Additionally, a diet rich in thiamine could be very effective in deterring mosquitoes and some other insects. However, this has sparked some debate in recent years. Since tomatoes are rich in thiamine, this makes them less tempting to mosquitoes and prevents them from biting. If you still get bitten, you can rub the juice of your leftover tomatoes on the affected area to stop the itching.

So, with so many uses, you can easily incorporate tomatoes into your daily eating routine. Try some simple dishes like tomato soup and freshly mixed salads or top your favorite pasta with a spicy tomato sauce. Of course, you also get bonus points if you add some garlic and onions. You can even make some bite-sized tomato and cheese bites to share with your friends at your next outdoor event. Combine fresh mozzarella with bright red tomatoes and some basil for a popular outdoor dish. Anecdotal evidence shows that most insects dislike basil. So try adding plenty of the fragrant herb to your dishes or salads.

The effect of grapefruit as an insect repellent

This juicy citrus fruit is not only an excellent source of vitamin C and health-promoting antioxidants, but is also linked to insect repellent through its mosquito repellent properties. In addition, grapefruit also works against ticks. It is also believed that this red fruit can also repel other insects such as bed bugs and head lice. This is due to a compound found in grapefruit called nootkatone, which is used as both an insecticide and a natural pesticide.

So, such citrus fruits can be a great addition to your daily eating routine. Try eating half a grapefruit for breakfast before you start your day, or combine it with other citrus fruits to create a fresh fruit salad. For an on-the-go dessert that will keep you safe no matter where you are, you can also whip up some grapefruit muffins.

What to eat lemongrass to combat mosquitoes?

This type of plant contains an oil called citronella oil, which is a popular insect repellent. You can discover it in many Thai recipes or in soups and curries. You can generally apply it to the skin or use it in other forms. Eating lemongrass has been shown to provide similar protection. All of the methods are effective because this fragrant plant helps hide your natural smells, making it harder for mosquitoes to identify you. For example, if you want to protect your guests from mosquitoes while grilling in the garden during the summer, you could try serving delicious grilled lemongrass wings.

Consume legumes such as beans and lentils to ward off mosquitoes

Beans and lentils have a similar effect to tomatoes. Such food sources are rich in thiamine and, when consumed, release an odor that repels insects. Accordingly, you can combine these legumes with other foods to add the required flavor or texture. Whether you use beans and lentils as a side dish to your main dish, create spreads like hummus from chickpeas, or add them to your favorite spicy dishes, these popular legumes are a great way to spice up your meals while keeping you safe from mosquitoes.

Effect of capsaicin from chili peppers as a mosquito repellent

If you love chili, you can benefit from it in the fight against mosquito bites as chili peppers repel mosquitoes. They contain capsaicin, which is a heat-producing compound and can repel such insects. Because capsaicin is such a well-known irritant to many insect species, it is already used as a natural insecticide in many parts of the world. Add chili peppers to your favorite foods and provide another mosquito repellent through your diet.

What food shouldn't be against mosquitoes and other tips

Some common types of food have been shown to produce a scent that is more attractive to mosquitoes. This makes you a prime target for unwanted mosquito bites. In addition, alcohol like beer appears to attract mosquitoes, although even small amounts could trigger this effect. Other types of foods that eating make you attractive to mosquitoes include high-salt food sources. These produce large amounts of lactic acid, which has been shown to attract mosquitoes. For the same reason, people are more susceptible to mosquito bites during a workout.

It is debated whether high consumption of sugary foods also attracts mosquitoes through the skin. If you plan on spending a lot of time outside, you might just want to cut your losses and skip the sugary foods. Additionally, planning the right meals during mosquito season is a smart strategy as well as a natural way to prevent unwanted pests from visiting.

However, if you spend a lot of time entertaining guests in your yard, you may want to consider a mosquito trap. This can help dramatically reduce mosquito populations in your outdoor area.