That's why eating almonds can be healthy: 6 good reasons to include the nutrient-rich nuts in your daily menu

It is already known that the nutrients in almonds are healthy for most people and could prevent many diseases. 30 grams of these nuts contain 6 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber and 9 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids. You can also supply the body with 50% of the required daily dose of vitamin E and 20%Supply magnesium.

Why almonds are healthy for the body

These nuts are known to have the highest levels of fiber, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin and niacin. The most useful form in which to take them is one with minimal processing – raw or baked and unpeeled. This is because their shell contains a majority of the nutrients. In addition, nutritionists recommend not overdoing the consumption of almonds, which contain large amounts of added sugar or sodium. In addition to the antioxidants it contains, comesVitamin Ebenefits the health of skin and hair. It is also believed to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition, antioxidants relieve the body of the stress of free radicals that cause disease. Another reason why almonds can be healthy are key components likeFlavonoids and sterols.

Diets also usually reduce the amount of the so-called “good cholesterol“. However, including almonds in the diet does not have a similar effect. They not only preserve good cholesterol, but also stimulate its production in the body. In addition, soluble fiber absorbs a lot of water and increases its volume. Therefore, almonds take up more space in the stomach and thereby makesat longer. Consuming almonds between breakfast and lunch helps control appetite. In addition to controlling blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, some studies have also shown that almonds are healthyin prediabetesare. Thanks to their magnesium content, they help the immune system and improve bone health. The nuts are therefore also suitable for vegetarians as they are an excellent foodProteinquelleare. In addition, regularly replacing meat with plant-based protein helps reduce saturated fat content.