New album from Adele 30 and why it feels good to listen to melancholic music in 2021

It is not obvious why melancholic music actually has a positive effect on the psyche. Sadness is usually a feeling that people try to avoid. In addition, many consider the sad songs to be depressing. But sad music attracts and lifts. So why does listening to sad music feel good? A possible answer is inAdele's new album, 30, which was recently released.

How Adele's melancholic music can improve your mood

When you feel sad, your body releases hormones like prolactin and oxytocin. These help deal with loss and pain. It does this by causing hormones to have a calming effect, making people feel comforted and supported. Feeling Adele's pain or remembering her own can accordingly lead to such chemical changes in the body. In addition, melancholic music, as is the case with Adele, can be like a click on your mood. Studies have also suggested that prolactin and oxytocin can have positive effects from sad music. A main reason we like sad songs is that they “move” us deeply. This experience is sometimes called Kama Muta. This is a Sanskrit term that means “moved by love.” Feeling moved can bring chills, goosebumps, a flood of romantic emotions, and warmth and elation. In fact, Adele's album, 30, could trigger such feelings.

One guess would be that Adele's melancholic music feels like a friend. Accordingly, this can function as a social substitute. Sad music can be experienced as an imaginary friend who offers support and empathy after a loss. Emotion can also arise from triggering memories of important moments in life. However, Adele's songs are also strongly nostalgic. Furthermore, it may be nostalgia rather than sadness that her fans enjoy. Ultimately, Adele's songs will mean something different to everyone. People listen to sad music when they think or want to relax. This allows them to experience beauty, receive comfort or reminisce.