Vegan diet: what is it, what are its benefits and everything you should know!

Vegan bratwurst, meat loaf or even steaks – the range of animal-free products and foods on the market is becoming ever larger and more diverse. According to the latest statistics from the “Vegetarian Association of Germany”, around 1 million German citizens eat a purely plant-based diet. But for some people, it's not just a diet, but more of a lifestyle. They don't use or only buy care products that contain animal ingredientsvegan clothing. When it comes to whether a vegan diet is healthy, opinions often differ. But that's what we're here for - in this article we explain everything you should know about the vegan diet. What can we eat, what advantages or disadvantages does it have for our health and much more!

The vegan diet avoids consuming animal products such as meat, eggs, dairy products, gelatin and even honey. The plant-based diet is in principle very rich in fiber, vitamins C and E, magnesium, potassium and many secondary plant substances. Compared to other diets, it contains much less saturated fat and for this reason most vegans tend to be slimmer. However, proper planning is crucial when it comes to a purely plant-based diet. If you don't eat a healthy, balanced diet, the risk of certain nutrient deficiencies becomes significantly higher. Therefore, all vegans should ensure that they eat a nutritious diet or take appropriate supplements in the form of tablets. Vitamins B12 and D, omega 3 fatty acids and calcium are particularly important.

Vegan diet – which foods are allowed?

Many people think that vegans only eat salad and fruit. But that's not true at all - the choice of food is incredibly diverse. Below you will find an overview of what you can eat on a vegan diet.

  • Tofu, sides and tempehare included in many vegan recipes and are an excellent protein-rich alternative to meat, fish, poultry and eggs.
  • legumes –Foods like chickpeas, beans, lentils and peas are excellent sources of many nutrients.
  • Nuts and nut butter –Raw nuts and nut butters in organic quality are particularly rich in fiber, magnesium, zinc, iron and vitamin E.
  • Together -Hemp, chia and linseed in particular contain large amounts of protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Calcium enrichedPlant milk and yogurthelp vegans meet the recommended calcium intake through their diet. Choose varieties that are, if possible, enriched with vitamins B12 and D.
  • nutritional yeastis very high in protein and gives dishes an interesting cheesy taste.
  • Whole grain products and cerealssuch as spelt, rice, quinoa and amaranth are a great source of complex carbohydrates, fiber, B vitamins and various minerals.
  • Fermented foods– Tempeh, miso, sauerkraut, cucumber, kimchi and kombucha contain probiotics and vitamin K2.

For which products is it recommended to read the food labels?

Manufacturers are not obliged to label all products used in food production. In other words – animal ingredients that have been used for a short time are not always indicated on the packaging. While cheese and milk are obviously not vegan, there are also products where you should be particularly careful.

  • Certain breads:For some types of bread, the baking ferment is sometimes mixed with honey and softer types such as brioche could contain eggs and milk. To save money, some cheap bakeries use L-cysteine ​​(E920), which is extracted from pork bristles. If in doubt, we recommend that you ask about the ingredients.
  • Fried foodssuch as onion rings are usually fried in an egg batter or animal fat.
  • Spices, dressings and sauces from the supermarket –Especially when buying pesto, you should check that it doesn't contain cheese.
  • Gummy candies, marshmallows and granola –These delicious sweets almost always contain gelatin, which is obtained from the bones and skin of pigs or cattle.
  • Roasted, salted nuts –Gelatine is also used here so that the salt sticks to the nuts.
  • Certain alcohols –With clear schnapps and beer brewed according to the German Purity Law, you don't have to worry. However, you have to take a closer look at wine and foreign beers, which sometimes use animal clarifying agents. This can be either gelatin or fish bladder, also known as isinglass.
  • Fruit juices from the storeUnfortunately, they are often clarified with gelatin.

Is the vegan diet healthy?

The fact that the vegan diet has advantages has been confirmed and proven several times by various scientific studies. And not only that - by switching to a wholesome and balanced plant-based diet, some chronic diseases can be stopped or even completely reversed. The vegan diet will do thatRisk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, migraines, certain types of cancer and other serious illnesses are significantly reduced.

  • Vegan diet for type 2 diabetes –Diabetes is the most common disease in the world. Vegans generally lead a healthier lifestyle than meat eaters. Animal foods contain harmful compounds that can trigger inflammation and oxidative stress. In addition, the saturated fatty acids in meat and dairy products have a negative effect on insulin levels. According to the “China Study” – one of the largest studies on the vegan diet – the risk of type 2 diabetes is significantly higher when consuming animal products. The people who ate less meat during the study were able to reduce their risk of diabetes by a full 38% and those who completely avoided it by 51%. Those who follow a plant-based diet from the start have a 78% reduction in the likelihood of developing it. It has even been proven that a vegan diet is much more effective for diabetes than the diets of the “German Diabetes Society”. The plant-based diet is very rich in fiber and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which ensure lower blood sugar levels. For this reason, this form of nutrition is not only suitable for preventing but also treating diabetes.
  • Lower risk of cancer –Cancer has been linked to animal products several times. The vegan diet consists of higher amounts of fruits, vegetables, legumes, fiber and vitamin C, which protect against a variety of cancers. A study funded by the National Cancer Institute found that vegans have a 16% lower risk of cancer. The risk of some women-specific cancers such as ovarian cancer and breast cancer is even 34% lower. Another study found that vegans who started eating a serving of chicken once a week tripled their risk of colon cancer.
  • Vegan diet for high blood pressure –Hypertension is primarily associated with our lifestyle and diet and poses many health risks. Risk factors include tobacco, alcohol and saturated fatty acids. In addition to excessive consumption of red meat, high consumption of products containing sodium, salt and cholesterol also leads to increased blood pressure. Ready meals such as cheese, sausage and meat products are often very high in fat and salt. On the other hand, foods rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium have a positive effect on blood pressure. Nuts, spinach, fennel, kale and most types of fruit are perfect for this.
  • Healthy heart through vegan diet –A high consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts reduces the risk of aCardiovascular diseaseto become ill by around 40%. A study conducted in the USA found that men who consumed meat daily had an increased risk of eating meat by 27% and women - by as much as 50%. But not only meat, but also increased consumption of dairy products and eggs can lead to heart failure.
  • Prevention and treatment of kidney disease –High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes can often lead to kidney failure. A high intake of animal proteins and fats can have a negative impact on existing kidney diseases. It has been scientifically proven several times that reducing protein consumption delays the progression of kidney disease. The vegan diet has a positive effect on cholesterol levels, blood pressure and fatty acid metabolism, which in turn significantly reduces the risk of kidney failure.
  • Vegan diet to lose weight –According to recent statistics, 66% of men and 52% of women in Germany struggle with being overweight. One of the reasons plant-based diets have become so popular is that they make it easy and healthy to lose weight. Many studies show that vegans have a lower BMI index compared to meat eaters. The BMI (Body Mass Index) determines whether you are overweight or underweight. A higher BMI is most often associated with excessive consumption of animal fats and proteins. A purely plant-based diet provides the body with lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates, which ensure a feeling of satiety for longer.
  • Strengthens the immune system –A healthy and balanced diet, physical exercise and sufficient sleep are very important for a strong immune system. The secondary plant substances and vitamins contained in most fruits and vegetables in particular contribute to keeping our bodies healthy. Whole grain products also have a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Longer life expectancy –Researchers at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that a balanced vegan diet leads to longer life expectancy. They came to this conclusion after analyzing the eating habits of around 80,000 people over a period of 12 years.
  • Fight migraines and headaches with the vegan diet –Stress, changes in the weather, new medications or diet – these are the most common reasons for migraines or headaches. While foods such as cheese, chocolate, alcohol, cow's milk and processed meat can worsen symptoms, a purely plant-based diet always has a positive effect.

What do the studies say about plant-based diets?

The two largest and most important studies that have looked at the benefits of a vegan diet are the “EPIC-Oxford Study” from England and the “Adventist Health Study 2” (AHS-2) from the USA. Both are prospective cohort studies in which large numbers of vegans and meat eaters were followed over many years. Around 100,000 people took part in the AHS-2 study. Around 5,000 vegans were compared with 4 other groups: meat eaters, semi-vegetarians, pesco-vegetarians and ovo-lacto-vegetarians. Below you will find the results of the two studies so far:

  • Vegans have a 42% lower risk of heart disease compared to the rest of the population.
  • The BMI index, the risk of type 2 diabetes and the blood values ​​were lowest among vegans.
  • The mortality rate among vegans is 35% lower than among meat eaters.
  • Vegans have a 50% lower risk of high blood pressure.
  • Vegans are 16% less likely to develop cancer.
  • Vegans who consumed less than 525 mg of calcium per day had an increased risk of bone fractures.
  • 52% of vegans had a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Successfully prevent vitamin B12 deficiency

While the vegan diet is rich in a number of vitamins and minerals, all vegans should pay particular attention to adequate vitamin B12 intake. According to a German study, 86% of the vegans studied were oneVitamin B12 Deficiencyaffected. The reason for this is that the vitamin is mainly found in animal foods and plant products are not a safe source of it. The deficiency can lead to anemia, nerve damage and other serious illnesses. Although there are some vegan foods that contain trace amounts of vitamin B12, the levels are too low to meet daily requirements. With a plant-based diet, vitamin intake through certain preparations is an absolute must.

And what about the iron?

When it comes to a vegan diet, not only vitamin B12 is often discussed, but also other essential minerals such as iron, iodine and zinc. Iron is the central component of hemoglobin and is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. Fortunately, there are many plant-based alternatives that are rich in iron and can meet the recommended values.

  • legumes
  • Nuts
  • Dried fruits such as dates, peaches and apricots
  • Grains – brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, amaranth, millet and spelt
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Vegetables – broccoli, zucchini, rocket, endive, raw fennel and lamb's lettuce

Plant-based diet and omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA are mainly found in fish such as salmon. They play a huge role in a healthy heart and heart and brain function. EPA and DHA levels in the blood tend to be lower in people who eat a plant-based diet. Luckily, there are also enough vegan alternatives to provide the body with the essentialsOmega-3 fatty acidsto supply:

  • Walnuts and flax seeds
  • Soy-based foods like tofu
  • Flaxseed oil
  • Fish oil supplements in tablet form

Iodine deficiency vorbeugen

Regardless of whether they are vegans or omnivores – around 30% of people in Germany sufferpopulation suffering from iodine deficiency. And here too, fish and seafood are the foods that have a high iodine content. Nevertheless, there are good vegan alternatives.

  • Useiodized table salt –With just 5 grams of iodized table salt you can already cover half of your daily requirements.
  • seaweedsuch as Nori, Aramae or Wakame are an excellent natural source of iodine.
  • Other foods that also contain a little iodine include broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, peanuts and pumpkin seeds. However, you have to eat very large quantities of it to get enough.

Vegan diet – benefits for the environment and our planet

Veganism is no longer just about diet. More and more people see it as a lifestyle and only use cosmetics that are not tested on animals, choose clothes and shoes made of imitation leather and avoid animal wool. One of the main reasons for this is that the vegan diet protects our environment.

  • CO2 footprint –According to the United Nations, meat and dairy products are responsible for about 15% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. That's roughly equivalent to the emissions from all forms of transportation on the planet - all planes, cars, trains, buses and even ships combined. Researchers at the University of Oxford found that avoiding foods of animal origin can reduce a single person's carbon footprint by up to 70%.
  • Go vegan for the animalsIt is actually clear that a plant-based diet saves animals. But did you know that every vegan saves around 200 animals per year? Currently, more than 6 million animals are killed every hour for food. But the production of milk and eggs cannot be achieved without killing animals. For example, all male chicks are sorted out immediately after hatching and either gassed or thrown into a shredder.
  • Water consumption –Animal agriculture is one of the largest water consumers in the world. It uses between 120 and 180 billion liters annually, which corresponds to approximately 90% of the total water consumption in the USA. It takes around 15,000 liters of water to produce just 1 kilo of beef. For 1 kilo of potatoes, however, only 100 liters are necessary.
  • Global food supply –Enough food is currently grown to feed about 10 billion people, but on average 10% of the world's population is undernourished - in some areas this number even exceeds 50%. How did this come about? More than 60% of the world's grain is used as feed for livestock.