New study results suggest that elevated levels of some metabolites in the blood caused by chronic coffee consumptioncause kidney diseasecould. Some foods and drinks are known to have effects on kidney health. However, the possible biological mechanisms are often unclear. Higher levels of 3 of these associated metabolites were significantly associated with a higher risk of developing kidney disease. The study authors identified glycochenodeoxycholate, O-methylcatecholsulfate and 3-methylcatecholsulfate.
Drinking coffee increases metabolites in the blood and kidney disease
The research team examined 372 metabolites in the blood of 3,811 participants in a cohort study. The scientists found that 41 of these were linked to coffee consumption. When the researchers analyzed these values in an additional 1,043 adults, they linked 20 of them to coffee consumption. Glycochenodeoxycholate is a lipid involved in the primary metabolism of bile acid. Accordingly, it may contribute to the potential positive effects of coffee consumption on kidney health. However, O-methylcatechol sulfate and 3-methylcatechol sulfate, which are involved in the metabolism of the preservative benzoate, may represent the negative aspects of coffee. A large body of scientific evidence has shown that consuming a moderate amount of coffee is compatible with a healthy diet. The study authors were now able to identify two additional coffee-associated metabolites in the blood that were surprisingly associated with a higher risk of chronic kidney disease.
However, these compounds are also linked to cigarette smoking, according to the researchers. This may partially explain why the study results were associated with a higher risk of kidney disease. With more research into the metabolic basis of the coffee-kidney relationship, these metabolites in the blood may indicate processes relevant to the prevention of kidney disease through dietary changes. An accompanying editorial also noted that it would have been interesting to see the resultsthis studyon metabolites associated with kidney disease after accounting for participants' self-reported coffee consumption. Integration of these types of data should provide a better understanding of the role of coffee and other dietary factors in the development of chronic kidney disease.