Preventing migraines and relieving pain: Study examines the effect of fish oil

They suffer from migraine attacks and are constantly looking forTips against migraines? What helps against migraines? According to a new study, a diet that is rich in fish oils should prevent migraines and also reduce their intensity. This study builds on previous smaller ones, in which the same researchers examined the effects of linoleic acid and chronic pain. This is an polyunsaturated fatty acid. This can be found in corn, soybean and other similar oils as well as some nuts and seeds.

Prevent migraines - fish oil instead of vegetable oil

The former smaller studies of the team examined whether linoleic acid migraine -related pain processing tissue and paths in the trigeminal nerve, the largest and most complex of the 12 cranial nerves of the body. They found that a diet with fewer linoleic acid and a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids (as occurred in fish and shellfish) could alleviate this inflammation of the pain of pain. In the extended study, the 182 adults received certain nutritional plans for 16 weeks. To what extent they couldPrevent migrainesOr reduce and relieve symptoms?

The meal packages of all participants consisted of fish, vegetables, hummus, salads and breakfast products. However, there was more high -fat or oils made of high -fat fish in a group, while the linoleic acid was reduced. The second group received meals with a high proportion of fat fish and a higher linoleic acid content. The meals in the third group were characterized by a high linoleic acid content and a lower proportion of fat fish. This diet should also imitate the average recording in the USA.

The results of the study and migraine therapy - fish oil as a remedy for migraines

At the beginning of the study, the participants had an average of more than 16 headache days per month and more than five hours of migraine pain per headache day. The participants complained that the migraine headache had a strong impact on the quality of life despite the taking of several headache medications. At the end of the study, the consumption of more fish oil and less vegetable oil showed a reduction in the entire headache lessons a day. The heavy headache lessons a day, i.e. the migraine duration, and the entire headache days a month also subsided. This was not so pronounced with the control group. The fact that this diet was able to prevent and alleviate migraines also showed the blood sample taken, which had lower levels of pain -related lipids. Despite the reduction in headache frequency and the pain, the same participants only reported about minor improvements in the migraine -related overall quality of life compared to other groups in the study.

"This research has found fascinating evidence that a change in diet has the potential to improve a very weak chronic pain disease such as migraines without the associated disadvantages of frequently prescribed medication," says Luigi Ferrucci, doctor of medicine. and scientific director from the National Institute on Aging (NIA).

"A change in diet could bring millions of Americans who suffer from migraine pain," says Ramsden, clinical researcher and head of the team. "It is further proof that the food we eat can influence the pain path."

The study was published in The BMJ. More about itFind out here.