Chronic Migraine: Patients can avoid a migraine attack with butterbur

Around 6 million people nationwide have chronic migraines. Noises, strong lights or stress can trigger an attack.The severe headache, which can last up to a week, reduce the patient's quality of life. Those affected are therefore constantly looking for new medications and natural remedies that can be used to prevent the attacks. Could butterbur extract offer a solution? The German Society for Neurology recommends in oneContribution to therapyand prophylaxis of migraines the medicinal plant butterbur.

Preventing chronic migraines: an overview of the medicinal plant butterbur and its effects

In the contribution toTherapy and prophylaxis of migrainesThe German Society for Neurology evaluates the positive effects of various medications and natural remedies. This includes butterbur, whose effectiveness has been proven in several studies. In German-speaking countries, the extract of the medicinal plant is available as a food additive.

Butterbur is a perennial medicinal plant that grows along the edge of streams in Germany. It is known for its antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It is said to relax the blood vessels in the brain and thus shorten migraine attacks.relieve severe headachescan. Since the plant extract is a natural remedy for preventing migraines, it must be taken over a longer period of time. However, those affected should definitely seek advice from a doctor about the dosage of the dietary supplement and the duration of prophylaxis. The good news: With successful therapy with butterbur extract, the taking of other medications can be partially or completely avoided. In the studies carried out regarding the effectiveness and possible side effects, the researchers found that the extract is well tolerated. In individual cases, digestive problems may occur. The plant itself contains carcinogenic and liver-damaging substances, but these are removed from the extract during production. Pregnant women, nursing mothers and people suffering from liver disease should not take the natural remedy. The extract has not been tested on children under the age of twelve, so it is not suitable for them.