In a new study, researchers try to reveal the specific characteristics of music for falling asleep, as it often causes problems. Sometimes there is nothing as frustrating as thatTry to fall asleep. However, the study results may offer new hope, and the researchers recommend music that encourages you to dream.
Effective music to fall asleep to
Listening to specific music could be the answer to better sleep, according to the study authors. Researchers claim that doing this before bed can not only help people fall asleep faster, but alsoimproves sleep quality. In addition, music for falling asleep is a solid, evidence-based, non-pharmacological sleep aid. This applies to both insomnia and sleep quality, say the authors. Music not only leads to relaxation and a more sleepy state, but also distracts from stressful thoughts and can also block out disturbing noises in the environment. This research goes a step further and identifies specific characteristics of music that is successful in supporting sleep. In addition, the team discovered that such a type of music has certain musical properties.
So the study found that music that aided sleep had greater emphasis at lower frequencies such as a stronger bass, slow and sustained duration of notes, and non-danceable rhythms. Musically speaking, this was a fairly dark mix of legato that was neither complex nor strong in rhythmic activity. Research also suggests that it's not just classical music or lullabies that can help people sleep. In fact, individuals can fall asleep to a variety of music genres. Based on the results, this is evidence that musical features appear to be more important than the genre of music for falling asleep. The study authors recommend making music a part of bedtime. So, developing the habit of listening to music for 45 minutes before bed for about a month will have a positive impact on sleep patterns.
From a medical perspective…
The researchers emphasize that music is most useful for those who have difficulty sleeping due to insomnia, anxiety or stress. However, such an approach would probably not help with medical problems such as sleep apnea. Statistically, if you listen to music at the same time every evening for at least three weeks, your sleep quality will improve. Additionally, people who suffer from insomnia can become healthy sleepers. To enable a restful sleep through music, it is recommendedthis studyaccording to a special playlist. This can consist of songs whose properties are conducive to sleep support. Additionally, the volume should be below 40 decibels, which is as quiet as possible.