Affirmations before falling asleep: 30 positive and calming thoughts

Affirmations, the magic word that is supposed to make us happier, more successful and more relaxed. Thepositive thoughtsshould help us to look optimistically towards the future and to achieve our goals more easily. It's actually about sentences that we believe in and that, when constantly repeated, are supposed to make us see the world through different eyes. Anyone can formulate affirmations themselves, but beginners should prefer to use sentences that have already been formulated. Depending on the topic, there are already many affirmation sentences. While most deal with topics such as success, happiness and love, another group has also been gaining popularity lately. Positive affirmations before falling asleep are intended to relax us, reduce everyday stress and gently lull us into sleep. We offer you a selection of effective affirmations that are intended to help against insomnia.

Affirmations before falling asleep ensure a deep and restful sleep

Our thoughts not only affect our mood, they can also influence our actions. The path to self-love and happiness is anything but easy for most people. Especially when we are stressed, we tend to think negatively. However, there is a remedy that can help: positive affirmations can relax us and relieve us of stress. This proves to be particularly helpfulMethod against insomnia. The beliefs can have a lot of effect: They can help you break or change certain thought patterns. It is important that you know the basic principles of affirmations before falling asleep and stick to them.

Affirmations before falling asleep: This is how the method works

So the affirmationsbefore falling asleepTo really have a positive effect, you should adhere to several basic rules. The affirmations should...

  1. ... be positive. Try to formulate your beliefs in such a way that it becomes clear what you want. For example: “I relax and fall asleep peacefully and deeply” instead of “I no longer have to struggle with insomnia.” Avoid words like not, no, none, without, nobody, nothing, nowhere, never.
  2. realistic. Try to concentrate on the present, on the here and now. Don't think about the future and let go of your fears.
  3. ... be formulated in the present. (Use "I am", "I have" instead of "I will be" and "I will have"

It is very important that you phrase your affirmations positively before falling asleep. Otherwise, you risk confusing your brain and ultimately achieving the exact opposite. Therefore, you should avoid words like insomnia, stress, anxiety and regret.

It is also important that you really believe in the affirmations. Your own emotions play a big role in success. Some sleep rituals can help you put yourself in a positive mood.

  • Relax your body with a soothing bath, aromatherapy or a wellness shower.
  • Do yoga exercises or meditate. Oneguided meditationcan generate positive emotions.
  • Start first with positive affirmations that are intended to reduce everyday stress. “I am in harmony with the world”, “I let go of everyday life”, “I am relaxed”. When formulating your beliefs, try to focus on what is most important. The shorter, the better.
  • Continue with affirmations about sleep. “I go to sleep satisfied at night,” “I enjoy a deep and restful sleep” and “I sleep through the night.”

Read the affirmations every evening. Repeat each affirmation slowly three to five times each evening. Take your time and enjoy your new evening routine. Be patient because it will take at least three months before you feel the positive effects of the affirmation. So diligently repeat the same beliefs every evening.

Tips against insomnia: Evening routine helps to relax

Formulate positive and realistic beliefs

The shorter the beliefs are, the better

Affirmations before falling asleep help against insomnia

To achieve a positive effect, you should repeat it every evening for at least 3 months

Patience is required because you should repeat each affirmation five timesslow repeat

Concentrate on the essentials: three short sentences are completely sufficient

If you are stressed, you can start with affirmations on other topics such as love, forgiveness and everyday life

You should avoid words like “nothing, no, no” unless they confirm your feelings. For example: “I sleep so deeply thatmich nothing can disturb you at this moment.”

To be on the safe side, beginners should completely avoid words like “nothing” and instead concentrate on their positive experiences and feelings

Let go of the negative feelings

You can listen to music while repeating the affirmations

Healthy sleep is important; meditation can help you fall asleep

In order for you to recover properly, sleep should be deep and peaceful

Reduce everyday stress with positive affirmations

Let go of the negative thoughts and try to think of something positive instead

Anxiety disorders can lead to sleep disorders. Positive affirmations can help against this

Affirmations before falling asleep: Example of three beliefs

Affirmations before falling asleep: The bedroom as an island of calm

Affirmations before falling asleep: Be grateful

Formulate positive and short beliefs

Focus on the present

Allow yourself to fall asleep

Perceiving sleep as a natural process

Inner peace as a priority in life

Forget your worries