A recent study suggests that natural essential oils in addition to...increased well-beingcould be beneficial to health. Researchers have also discovered why certain scents can improve mood. Additionally, the study results could provide new avenues for better future aromatherapies, as the authors suggest in their published research.
Benefits for body and mind through natural essential oils
The volatile compounds that consist of plant extracts are the essence of aromatherapy. Natural essential oils can be released into the air at room temperature and work through inhalation. The brain easily absorbs the inhaled substances. However, these differ from bioactive substances in plant foods. However, despite the strong potential benefits for human health and particularly brain health, their use is not truly optimized by type or dose. Aromatherapists use them without a good understanding of which are best for a particular benefit. Until now, it was not clear which types or doses would provide optimal benefit. The study authors report that targeted therapy could consistently improve emotional health under certain conditions. This includes reducing anxiety and depression.
The researchers believe that an interaction of essential oils with the naturally high levels of vitamin C in the brain is possible. This could have either antioxidant or pro-oxidant effects that would result in a mood benefit. For example, lavender has been shown to have a mood-enhancing effect. The research team claims that this is related to the powerful antioxidant effects of this plant in the brain. The scientists were also able to identify which natural essential oils help improve mood and which alternatively have anti-inflammatory properties. However, they are still working to understand the dose required for a positive effect. In addition, providesthis studyrepresents a significant breakthrough as it characterizes the effects of aromatherapy in the brain to optimize its therapeutic potential.