Especially in the cold and gray winter days, wonderful scents in your home ensure relaxation and well-being. Various essential oils are natural, fragrant essences that have a direct effect on our emotions and psyche when inhaled. However, aromatherapy at home can do much more than just that - depending on the diffuser mixtures used, it doesn't just affect our mood. Concentration and memory can also be promoted or pain caused by illnesses can be alleviated. Why should you use essential oil diffusers, what benefits does an aromatherapy diffuser have for our health and well-being? All this as well as many essential oil recipes with different effects can only be found in our article!
Essential oils not only smell incredibly good, they also offer numerous health benefits for us. It is no longer a secret that nature has a healing effect on our bodies and organisms. Essential oils are highly concentrated plant ingredients that are obtained from different parts of plants - for example from the seeds, roots, leaves or flowers. The healing active ingredients are obtained by pressing, extraction or steam distillation and are contained in the oils in highly concentrated form. However, when purchasing, you should always make sure that you are buying 100% natural products that do not contain any synthetic ingredients. Using a diffuser is probably the easiest and most effective way to benefit from the numerous benefits of essential oils.
How exactly does an aroma diffuser work?
Diffusers for essential oils can be found in all sorts of sizes and shapes - everything from simple and simple models to real decorative designer pieces that can be wonderfully integrated into the interior. Another big advantage of aroma diffusers is the price - for little money you can get simple and inexpensive entry-level models that work just as well. Particularly popular for home use are either atomization (cold air) or an ultrasonic diffuser (water). Add a few drops of essential oils of your choice to the water and the oil particles are then atomized into micro-fine drops. By nebulizing, the active ingredients of the oils enter our bloodstream very quickly. The dosage and mixing ratio are very individual, but in general, around 5 to 8 drops per 400 ml of water are ideal. If you would rather use a little more, you should, for example, diffuse 5 drops for no longer than 20 minutes at a time. This is followed by a short break of around 2 hours and only then can you mist again for another 20 minutes.
What are the benefits of diffuser aromatherapy?
The wonderful scent of the essential oils not only creates a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in the rooms - the gentle spray mist supports us in many different situations. The sense of smell is one of humans' most powerful senses and our bodies contain more than 1000 receptors for smells. You've probably noticed that some scents have a more positive effect on your mood and well-being than others. Below we will tell you why an aroma diffuser is an absolute must in every home.
- Purifies the air at home –The essential oil recipes clean the air in the room without having to use other chemical sprays or cleaning products. Basil oil, for example, helps reduce allergens and tea tree oil is excellent for disinfecting the air from bacteria and viruses and strengthens our immune system. Other oils that are useful for this include lemon, juniper berry and lime.
- Ensures a peaceful and better sleep –One of the most well-known features of an aroma oil diffuser is its ability to help you relax after a hard day. Lavender, chamomile, mandarin and rose are particularly suitable for this.
- Essential oils have a pain-relieving effect –You know those days where you can barely make it out the door or out of bed? The active ingredients in essential oils help you with many different ailments and illnesses. For example, peppermint can help against nausea or migraines, improve digestion and reduce allergic reactions. Oregano oil is ideal for respiratory problems, heartburn and for relieving menstrual cramps. Sandalwood oil relieves the symptoms of sore throats and colds.
- Many essential oil recipes for aroma diffusers are ideal asInsect protection.Peppermint oil, for example, is particularly useful for this purpose.
Does an aroma oil diffuser have any disadvantages?
If you are a newbie and still not completely familiar with diffuser aromatherapy, there are some details you need to consider.
- Although most essential oils are considered safe, they mayallergic reactionscause in you. Before using a new oil, make sure you are not allergic to it. To check, mix 1-2 drops of the essential oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil, apply the mixture to the inner forearm and leave for 10 minutes.
- If youpregnantyou should consult a doctor in advance and clarify which oils you can use safely.
- Some essential oils canbe harmful to pets.– If you have a dog or cat, you should avoid the following oils: tea tree, rosemary, thyme, peppermint, lavender, cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus and lemon.
The best essential oil recipes for concentration and stress relief
Essential oil recipes for better concentration –Are you looking for ways to concentrate better while working or studying? This diffuser mixture has an invigorating effect and helps you clear your head.
- 4 drops of peppermint
- 4 drops of cinnamon
- 2 drops rosemary
Aroma oil diffuser for stress –Warm, spicy andfloral noteshelp you leave stress behind after a long day. The mixture has a calming and relaxing effect and gives the room a wonderful scent.
- 4 drops of lavender
- 3 drops of clary sage
- 2 drops of ylang ylang oil
- 1 drop of marjoram
Recipes formore energy– Just got home from work and the laundry is waiting or the children are hungry – does that sound familiar? If so, then our next diffuser blend is exactly what you need!
- 3 drops rosemary
- 3 drops of peppermint
- 3 drops of lemon
If you're struggling through a particularly long afternoon at the office, this next aromatherapy diffuser recipe will have you coveredEnergy kick:
- 4 drops of wild orange
- 4 drops of peppermint
Do you feel depressed, unfocused and tired? Frankincense is an ancient oil that has been used for many yearsStress reliefis used. It strengthens the immune system and creates a relaxing and calming atmosphere in the room.
- 2 drops of incense
- 2 drops of orange
- 2 drops of lavender
Our next suggestion for diffuser mixture is reminiscent of refreshing cocktails,lifts the moodand helps you stay focused for the rest of the day.
- 3 drops of peppermint
- 3 drops of lime
Increase yoursConcentration and energywith this great aromatherapy diffuser that is very rich in antioxidants and supports your immune system.
- 5 drops of mint
- 3 drops of lavender
- 2 drops of orange
If you're feeling depressed or just sluggish and tired, try this essential oil diffuser recipe. Itlifts your moodand the happy scents will take you to a happier place - just the perfect blend for meditation or a little yoga!
- 3 drops of bergamot
- 2 drops of geranium
- 3 drops of lavender
Essential oils for a cold
Severe headache? The following aroma oil diffuser blend relieves symptoms, stimulates blood circulation and provides a peaceful and calming feeling.
- 2 drops of marjoram
- 2 drops of thyme
- 2 drops rosemary
recipes againstAtemproblemehave an antibacterial effect and smell surprisingly good. If you need a little boost of energy or are battling a cold, then this is the perfect diffuser blend for you!
- 2 drops lemongrass oil (Read more about it hereEffects of lemongrass)
- 2 drops of basil oil
- 1 drop of lavender
Sandalwood combined with neroli has a particularly good effect on your physical health, especially if you constantly feel sluggish and tired in winter. The following diffuser aromatherapy combatsInfections, respiratory diseases and provides support for anxiety or heart problems.
- 7 drops of sandalwood
- 2 drops of neroli oil
Get fit and healthy through the winter with these recipes
Especially in winter it is very important ourto strengthen the immune systemand usto protect against various diseases. The next diffuser recipe is an absolute must during the cold season for anyone who wants to stay fit and healthy:
- 3 drops rosemary
- 2 drops of cinnamon
- 2 drops of clove
- 1 drop of eucalyptus
Use the next diffuser blend when you're underrespiratory symptomsleiden:
- 2 drops of peppermint
- 1 drop of lemon
- 1 drop of eucalyptus
- 1 drop of rosemary
Wonderful recipes with essential oils to make you feel good
Finally, we have prepared for you many incredible essential oil recipes that will create a pleasant, welcoming and very cozy atmosphere in your home. For a relaxed andpeaceful sleeptry the following diffuser mixture:
- 2 drops of lavender oil
- 2 drops of chamomile oil
- 2 drops of vetiver oil
The next diffuser blend is perfect for cool days when you just want to stay at home under the covers.
- 4 drops of wild orange
- 3 drops of cinnamon
- 3 drops of ginger
Unpleasant smellat home and don't have any cleaning products that really help? Then we have the solution for you!
- 3 drops of lemongrass
- 3 drops of orange
Craving a delicious oneChai Tea Latte?
- 3 drops of cardamom
- 2 drops of cassia oil
- 2 drops of cloves
- 1 drop of ginger
The next aromatherapy diffuser smells wonderfully delicioussweetsand your children are guaranteed to love the scent.
- 2 drops wild orange
- 2 drops of wintergreen
Would you like to take a walk through the forest but don't have the time? Instead, try the following recipe:
- 3 drops of incense
- 2 drops of fir oil
- 1 drop of cedarwood oil
If you want your home to smell like a flower garden full of blooms, then the next diffuser blend is for you!
- 2 drops of lavender
- 2 drops of chamomile
- 1 drop of geranium oil
The next aroma oil diffuser recipe smells wonderful and gives your home a fresh and inviting atmosphere:
- 2 drops of lemon
- 2 drops of lavender
- 2 drops rosemary