To avoid major health risks caused by oneto avoid high cholesterol levels, the niacin effect in the form of daily dietary supplements could be the solution. The elevated levels of bad LDL cholesterol mean that a person has too much fat in their blood. This is also closely linked to unhealthy living, including too much saturated fat and too little exercise. Fortunately, taking nicotinic acid could lower bad cholesterol and reduce the risk of serious health complications.
Effective niacin effect on poor nutrition
When it comes to treating cholesterol, there are numerous studies that indicate that the niacin effect can help raise cholesterol levels and lower triglycerides. The so-called nicotinic acid primarily helps lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and is sometimes prescribed in combination with statins (CSE inhibitors) to regulate cholesterol levels. However, niacin is only effective as a treatment at relatively high doses. It is a B vitamin used by the body to convert food into energy. Niacin also helps keep the nervous system, digestive system and skin healthy. As a therapeutic agent, its substance increases a person's HDL cholesterol by more than 30 percent or helps correct vitamin deficiency.
According to medical research, there is currently some debate about the exact role that HDL plays in the body and in the development of heart disease. It was widely believed that HDL absorbs excess LDL cholesterol in the blood and brings it to the liver for disposal. For this reason, experts call HDL “good” cholesterol. Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams per deciliter. In men, HDL levels below 40 mg/dl increase theRisk of heart disease, while in women values below 50 mg/dl are considered high risk. Taking such a preparation can reduce possible risks.
How does nicotinic acid work?
So, niacin is also known as nicotinic acid and is an organic compound that is an essential human nutrient. You can use prescription medications containing this active ingredient to increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Accordingly, this helps remove low-density lipoprotein from the bloodstream. Niacin can also often be part of a daily multivitamin combination. With its help you can keep the nervous system, digestive system and skin healthy.
The recommended daily intake of niacin is 14 milligrams for women and 16 milligrams for men. There are studies on such therapy for high cholesterol levels that show that the niacin effect can be effective in combating it. Nicotinic acid also has other health benefits and has been shown to help reduce atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, in some people. For those who have already suffered a heart attack, niacin also appears to reduce the risk of a second one. Niacin is approved and can also be used for the condition known as pellagra, which results from aVitamin B Deficiencydeveloped, help.