Why is too much salt harmful? New study provides the answer

Researchers from the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB) conducted a study and found that theincreased salt concentrationin our body affects the cells of the immune system. The new study was recently published in the journal “Circulation”. It is based on a 2015 study conducted by the same team of researchers.

Why is salt harmful and how does an increased sodium concentration affect the phagocytes?

As part of the study, the researchers tested whether the metabolism of immune cells changes when there is an increased sodium concentration in the blood. After just a few hours, they were able to determine that the sodium was able to break off the so-called respiratory chain of the cells. Surprisingly, this led to the cells of the immune system recognizing certain pathogens faster and better. The disadvantage: an increased sodium concentration could increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The researchers now wanted to find out how long these side effects last. Will the metabolism be changed forever or can the phagocytes perhaps recover? To do this, they conducted two separate tests. As part of the first test, the test group consumed salt tablets for two weeks. The second test group had pizza for dinner. After evaluating the test results and examining the blood samples from all test subjects, the researchers found that even a single increased intake led to the respiratory chain of the phagocytes breaking off. Fortunately, this effect was only temporary and after eight hours the body recovered and the cells were again supplied with sufficient oxygen.

However, the researchers assume that people who basically eat a high-salt diet will feel the effects of this diet. It is therefore very important to rely on oneadopt a healthy, low-salt dietand limits consumption of processed foods.

The researchers are now faced with the next challenge: They want to find out whether other cells in the body also behave similarly.

More about the study