Study: Daily consumption of yogurt helps lower blood pressure

A recent study suggests that regular yogurt intake helps reduce blood pressure in older people. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke and diabetes. Therefore, different diets have long been considered a means of improving health. In addition, according to the authors, the current study results could support the potential development of antihypertensive andenable health-promoting dietary changes.

Drug-free lowering of blood pressure using natural yogurt

The research team examined the association between yogurt consumption and blood pressure in older adults with and without hypertension. The scientists analyzed data from 915 people with an average age of 62.1 years. Approximately 62% of these had hypertension, defined as 140/90 mmHg. Statistical analyzes showed modest but statistically significant reductions in systolic blood pressure in people with high blood pressure who consumed yogurt. However, there was no improvement associated with yogurt consumption in those with normal values. The researchers corrected their results before and after adjustment for confounding by many other variables. They took into account age, gender, education, diabetes, body mass index, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, exercise and other dietary patterns.

The team's previous research also showed a positive association between the Mediterranean diet and better cognitive function, and between other dairy products and lowering blood pressure in people without a history of stroke or kidney disease. However, the present investigation focused on aging, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cognitive function. This started in 1974 and has continued for over 40 years. The study authors previously obtained data from young adulthood to old age from more than 2,400 people. However, the connections between fermented milk products and blood pressure are not yet entirely clear. Therefore, the researchers analyzed inthis studysuch links between daily yogurt consumption to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients as well as in people without hypertension. Future observational and intervention studies should continue to focus on at-risk individuals to examine the potential benefits of yogurt.