Preventing summer flu: Tips on how you can protect yourself effectively

Lying sick at home during the warm season is an absolute nightmare for many people. Cough, runny nose and fever: In summer, many suffer from a cold despite the fantastic weather. It's particularly unpleasant if you get sick just before your vacation. Here are some helpful tips on how you can minimize the risk of infection and really enjoy the summer.

Prevent summer flu: There is a risk of infection even at high temperatures

Anywhere where there are a lot of people, you can use oneInfect virus. There is a high risk of infection, particularly in public transport, restaurants and outdoor swimming pools. 1. Therefore, pay extra attention to hygiene and wash your hands thoroughly with soap often. Avoid touching your face and mouth with dirty hands.

2. Air conditioning and draft lift can cause a cold and make the mucous membrane vulnerable to viruses. It is particularly dangerous if you first spend several hours under the strong rays of the sun and then stay in a heavily air-conditioned room. The difference in temperature alone puts strain on your heart and weakens your immune system.

3. You should also avoid refreshing drinks with lots of ice cubes or ice-cold cocktails in the summer months. You can opt for smoothies instead and provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

4. Toddlers are usually very active and sweat a lot in summer. Change their clothes often to avoid catching a cold.

5. Are you planning a walk after sunset or would you like to end the evening with a barbecue in the garden? Always take a light jacket with you in case you get cold.

Strengthen the immune system

A strong immune system can counteract the many viruses in summer. A healthy diet can protect you from viruses in summer. Eat at least 300 g of fruit and vegetables every day, drink at least 1.5 liters of water and avoid foods containing sugar and fat. Getting enough sleep and hydration can protect you from summer flu.