A recent study suggests that late-night meals and late-night meals are unhealthy and could cause diabetes. In addition, people who work night shifts are oneat increased risk of diabetes. According to the study authors, nighttime cravings should be inhibited as much as possible through dietary changes. They add that choosing healthy foods is also very important.
That's why eating late could be unhealthy for the body
The research showed that nighttime cravings that are out of sync with the body's natural circadian rhythms increase the risk of diabetes. These findings are of course not new. However, the present research focuses specifically on evening blood sugar levels caused by eating. While all study participants worked overnight, only those who ate their meals during the night shift saw increased blood sugar intolerance and decreased pancreatic beta cell function - both potential precursors to type 2 diabetes.
Accordingly, none of these adverse changes were observed in the subjects who followed a daily eating plan, even though they were awake all night. Previous studies have linked night shift work to an increased risk of cancer, heart rhythm problems and even miscarriages. The current results indicate that meal timing was primarily responsible for the reported effects on glucose tolerance and beta cell function. This may be due to a disturbed circadian rhythm, say the researchers.
Given the study results, the authors recommend sticking to a balanced diet when eating during the day and avoiding nighttime snacks. The body metabolizes the food it eats differently at night. Additionally, heavy late-night eating can be unhealthy and reduce alertness along with productivity. During night shifts, the internal clock is disrupted accordingly. This can lead to fatigue, sleep problems, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty metabolizing food. Shift work can also have a negative impact on daily eating habits and make it difficult to maintain a healthy diet. According to the authors, the absorption of caffeine isthis studyAlso avoid 8 hours before bedtime. Healthy proteins and fiber-rich carbohydrates ensure low blood sugar levels and more energy during a night shift.