Breastfeeding is sometimes exhausting and can overwhelm mothers incredibly. However, it is very important that breastfeeding mother rests enough, eat well and are aware of your mental health. We give tips on what to look for to stay fit and healthy during breastfeeding.
Pay attention to your diet
Good nutrition is particularly important during breastfeeding. "You have to charge yourself to feed your baby," says Jane Moffett, breastfeeding consultant at the National Childbirth Trust (NCT). "Place a varied, balanced diet," she says. "If you live vegan, think about calcium -enriched food." Whole grain products, protein and vegetables regulate blood sugar and can reduce your desire for fat and sugar -rich foods. But since about 300 calories per day are burned, this is not the right time to reduce your calorie intake.
Take care of your emotional and mental health
Like all aspects of early parenthood, the breastfeeding can be different than they expected. You can feel tired, frustrated, confused or helpless. According to a 2017 study, half of the mothers had psychological problems at some point during pregnancy or in the first year after the birth of their child. If you need support, ask your family doctor, midwife or health consultant for still clinics and take part in meetings.
Treat yourself to enough peace
Ironically, the pressure to relax can feel quite stressful when your schedule is dictated by a little baby. So just try to do things that make you happy instead of saying that you should sleep whenever the baby does. It can just be on the sofa, watch TV or listen to music. Everything that helps you feel less insecure.
Be breast -conscious
During breastfeeding, take the time to look at your breasts in the mirror and regularly check them for signs of tenderness. "If you start to feel uncomfortable, have a red area on one of your breasts or when your breasts feel painfully, inform your doctor or midwife," says Moffett. These can be the first signs of mastitis, a painful disease caused by milk deposits in the chest. If you suspect that there is a mastitis, it is advisable to massage the affected area under a warm shower, to continue breastfeeding, try out different positions to stimulate the blocked area and maybe start your baby at the To breastfeed affected breast to try to solve the blockages.
Take care of your back
Breastfeeding can cause pain, especially if you do not pay attention to your posture. There are various breastfeeding positions that are suitable for the breastfeeding mother and the baby-from rugby handles to the cradle handle, from lying on the side to the "Koala" position.On the Medela websiteFind useful pictures and tips for some of these positions.