Vitamin D supply for competitive athletes who train in halls could be exposed to a risk. This emerges from a recently carried out study that theVitamin-D deficiencyevaluated by basketball players. According to the results, athletes are therefore exposed to a higher risk of injury.
Vitamin D intake when playing sports
The researchers examined young men and women from college teams. During the season, the players received either a high or a low at the beginning of the studyDosis an Vitamin-D, depending on your blood values. According to the scientist, vitamin D is necessary to build and maintain healthy bones. Without this addition, the bone mass becomes soft, thin and porous, which can later lead to medical problems. This also includes osteoporosis and some types of bone cancer.
Earlier studies that have dealt with this topic usually report data from non -sporty, older population groups. Since athletes may not supply their bodies with the necessary vitamin D via natural food sources, the nutritional supplement offers a safe, affordable and effective method to combat such defects. This can be particularly advantageous for athletes who live in higher widths in the winter months.
Study results
During the season, the researchers regularly monitored their subjects. Compliance with vitamin D intake has evaluated the sports trainer for each team. The research team has collected data on body composition, skin pigmentation, sunlight, food intake and blood values from each individual player during the study.
The results showed that 13 out of 20 (65%) of the participants did not have sufficient vitamin D at the beginning of the course. This result is in accordance with a recently carried out systematic review and metal analysis, in which 56% of 2000 athletes in nine different countries had an inadequate vitamin D.
Of the people examined in the study, athletes with darker skin pigmentation showed an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency at the beginning of the study. However, none of the participants with light or very light skin fell into the inadequate category.
Although it is a pilot study with a small sample, the current results provide further evidence of the high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among basketball players.
The authors of theStudyHowever, it is also agreed that a larger sample is required to support the development of research. Thus, medical and sporty staff can better identify the risk factors for athletes with vitamin D deficiency.