Is there a connection between vitamin D deficiency in childhood and high blood pressure in adulthood? At least that's what a new study is supposed to prove. It was conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in collaboration with the American Hypertension Patients Association.
Can a vitamin D deficiency in childhood lead to high blood pressure later in life?
The scientists examined over 750 children in Boston at regular intervals from birth until they were 10 years old. All test subjects were born with a vitamin D deficiency. Around 60% of these children had high blood pressure between the ages of 6 and 18. Children whose bodies were unable to produce enough vitamin D even after birth were twice as likely to develop hypertension in adulthood as children who had normal vitamin D levels in their blood. After evaluating the results, scientists concluded that vitamin D deficiency in childhood could lead to hypertension later in life. In any case, further studies with larger test groups are necessary. Only then will researchers know for sure whether vitamin D can be prescribed as a medication to prevent high blood pressure.
How does a vitamin D deficiency occur in children?
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone that is largely produced in the skin by UVB solar radiation. Less than 10% of the required amount of vitamin D is absorbed through food. In summer, between 15 and 20 minutes of sunlight falling directly on the face, hands and feet is usually sufficient. In winter, people need around 30 minutes a day so that the body can produce the necessary amount of vitamin D. An important prerequisite for this is noneApply sunscreen. However, it can be particularly problematic for small children because their bodies are almost completely covered with clothing and because parents often protect children's sensitive skin with sunscreen even in the winter months. Finding the right balance can prove to be a difficult task.
To the studyof the American Hypertension Association