Detox after New Year's Eve 2021: The health benefits of ginger and the mysticism behind the healing root

Nowadays, the healing benefits of ginger are known almost everywhere in the world. However, in some cultures the root is considered both a detoxifier for the body and a balm for the soul. The exotic spice from Asian cuisine with a pungent taste and very fresh aroma is included in various dishes and folk medicine recipes due to its beneficial properties. Here are some of the beneficial onesEffects of the healing root, which could be effective as detoxification therapy after the 2021 New Year's Eve party.

Medical and Psychological Benefits of Ginger

Many people confirm that the root can reduce nausea, relieve bloating, and reduce inflammation in the body. In addition, ginger is known to strengthen the immune system. In addition, its active ingredients help fight colds and viruses. The root is most commonly available as a dried powder, but can also be taken raw or in the form of ginger tea.

The facts mentioned so far are known everywhere, but few people know about the magical properties of ginger. This unusual root originated in Asia and, according to some claims, was transferred to the West thanks to Alexander the Great. The Asian population associates ginger root with many magical practices. For example, this is present in the burial practices of the Chinese. They believe that this would allow the souls of the dead to continue to feed themselves. Some young families place pieces of ginger at the entrance to the house to act as protection for newborns and their mothers.

Ginger in the legends

Some believe that the scent of ginger can contact the divine worlds and even influence the forces of nature. Among the island nations of the Pacific, chewing ginger is said to even be able to prevent a storm. The magical properties of ginger can also unfold when cooking. This spice not only improves the smell and taste of food, but also affects the atmosphere at home. This promises a perfect start to the new year. According to an ancient legend, ginger and honey cakes unite the family and strengthen love between its members. Gingerbread cookies with ginger are also a great gift for lovers because they ignite romance and love. According to legend, candied ginger can drive away sadness and heartbreak. However, this also works well for an upset stomach and sore throat.

According to another legend, dishes containing ginger stimulate the flow of money into the family budget. As a magical tool, the root could also increase income. However, as useful as ginger is, people should not overdo it. Its juices are spicy and more than one piece could irritate the stomach.