Around the border between lawn,flowerbedsTo better define pavements and walkways, a bed border in the form of bricks, gravel or plants is often used.Edging plantsshould be low and characterized by a compact growth so that the border could look fairly neat and well-groomed. Whether hardy, evergreen or beautifully flowering, we offer you a few options for plants that are ideal for edging paths and beds.
Annual plants as border plants
Annual flowers with bright blooms can beautifully border lawns and beds. The white-flowering alyssum forms effective upholstery carpets that are 8-15 cm wide but only 7 cm high. The plants should be planted at least 30 centimeters from the lawn so that the lawn mower does not damage them. The same applies to the blue-flowering lobelias and ageratums, begonias, purslanes and violets.
Perennials as border plants
Perennial plants that have a compact growth are also suitable as border plants in the garden. Low-growing varieties such as candytuft, cushion phlox, blue cushion and stonecrop are ideal for this. You can plant Heuchera in shady locations.
Culinary herbs for edging paths and beds
Some culinary herbs and scented plants are also ideal forBeeteinfassung, because they also have attractive foliage and compact growth habit. Parsley, lavender, rosemary and thyme are perfect options and would give your garden a wonderful maritime flair. Lavender and rosemary can be constantly cut to achieve the desired shape.
Shrubs and trees
Choose dwarf varieties of shrubs and trees for edging paths and beds. They grow very slowly, which also reduces maintenance and pruning work. English boxwood, Japanese holly, honeysuckle maygreen and spoon ilex form dense and shapely borders in the garden.