New research demonstrates the positive effects and benefits of breast milk on early cardiovascular development in premature infants. The study of 80 newborns is the first of its kind to show how mothers go throughBreastfeeding strengthens the heart function of their babiescan. The results suggest that the infants' levels approach those of healthy, full-term babies.
Heart-protective benefits of breast milk after premature birth
Research has shown that children and adults born prematurely have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. These include ischemic heart disease, heart failure, systemic and pulmonary hypertension. It is also known that the hearts of young people after premature birth have unique characteristics. These include, for example, reduced biventricular (two-chamber) volume, shorter length, lower systolic and diastolic function and a disproportionate increase in muscle mass. In addition, this leads to impaired heart function. This is significantly lower than for healthy infants who are born at term. This dysfunction is usually detectable upon discharge from the hospital and persists throughout adolescence. However, the new research showed that exclusive consumption of breast milk in the first few months after premature birth is associated with a normalization of some of these biomarkers.
Premature babies who received a high proportion of mother's breast milk in the first few weeks after delivery had stronger heart function. The structure of the heart was associated with lower pulmonary pressure and improved response to stress at one year of age. Compared to the higher intake of infant formula, all measures approached those of normal-born healthy children. Accordingly, these findings were evident before hospital discharge and persisted until one year of age. In addition, deliveredthis studyprovide the first evidence of an association between early postnatal nutrition in premature infants and cardiac function in the first year of life. The study results therefore complement the already known benefits of breast milk for premature babies.