Inflammation of the gums increases the risk of developing dementia

Inflammation of the gums can do thatIncrease risk of dementiato get sick. This is the result of a new study carried out by researchers at the University of Greifswald.

Why can inflammation of the gums trigger Alzheimer's or dementia? Researchers are looking for answers

Gingivitis is an infection of the gums caused by bacteria. Entamoeba gingivalis is usually to blame for the problem because it colonizes the plaque deposits on the gums. Gingivitis is most often due to inadequate oral hygiene. If the disease becomes chronic, the entire periodontium can become inflamed. Then we speak of periodontitis. Doctors compare the disease to an iceberg because those affected often feel no symptoms.

Now the German research team has found a connection between gum disease and dementia. Periodontal disease can increase the risk of developing dementia later in life. People with chronic gingivitis are at higher risk than people with acute gingivitis or periodontitis.

Suffering from dementia because you have periodontitis: Researchers find a connection between the two diseases

The researchers from Greifswald discovered for the first time a connection between the treatment of periodontitis and the onset of Alzheimer's disease when they analyzed the results of an experimental model. The data from 177 patients who were treated for periodontitis were compared with those from 409 patients who received no treatment. After the analysis, a moderate to strong association was found between gum disease and Alzheimer's disease.

There is also good news because periodontitis and gingivitis can be treated. The data suggests that treatment for periodontitis can have surprising positive side effects. It can help slow the loss of brain matter.

The researchers note that patients were followed and examined for an average of 7.3 years after treatment.

Since periodontitis can be caused by a number of pathogens, timely treatment is of great importance. In this way, consequential damage can also be prevented. Another method has just been tested in the USA. The researchers there are trying to use medication to combat the pathogens that migrate from the mouth to the brain.

About the study